:boundless: I want to see your build, your home, your boat, your bridge

Yeah I saw that like cathedral or something. Looks cool!


Yes, I would love to visit & include some workshops :+1:

I make separate videos for malls hehehe :wink: Gonna wait to do another one of those until people have had time to use the new blocks.

I’m just seeing that potential players are really interested and responding to imagery of current players’ builds. So I figured I’d show them a bunch. Lots of different types and styles.

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I just came across that place yesterday…omg :heart_eyes:


You can always come check out the dome again we are remodeling somethings but it’s our home. We have a portal at mall main hub “Down by the Shore with Paulie”. We have several building including the hunting lodge, community kitchen, forge area. Also we have the mega farm, Oort O Matic!. Many things to see also in the basement.


His builds are fantastic yes, makes me wanna throw in the towel, ehh chisel…


Lots of eye candy happening there for sure


do you know Lamelli? Guild member of SLG

Yup, that is @alienvampire571, that is one of their alts.

Well here it is coordinates middle of “current new build AntarVI -2289N 147E

Technically every thing that has TTC (guild) in front of it is mine. Please note i am working all over the place redoing old builds (repurposing) tearing down and building but current coords is the new place being build.

Easy acces TNT > Antar
Lamblis Anterra city portal

Antar portals ps hubbit tighs and ult folow Anterra mall


Grovidias Te - PS Galactic Prison
(portal pS GrovTe hub behind Angel portal)


Going there might mean they won’t let ya out tho, it’s a prison after all! :smiley:

I don’t know if this is what you are looking for or how much of a landmark it is, but, as of right now, I’m the only thing for miles on Storiss II.

I don’t have the coordinates, but it’s High Ridge. I believe it’s in the top 30.


Yes, the house, workshop, & storage for sure! Thank you. (I am avoiding stores & portal hubs in this video)

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Yeah, most of my build isn’t shop. The shop is more of a support feature.

I’d also look for the gate marker towers at either end, I’m rather proud if them.

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I have portals at TNT, Ps and Ultima. All of them say Omeyocan


Melissa Majoria is my home forest :blue_heart:
Access from DKs ultima tree, River Towns and Sunken City

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Lamelli is one of my alts, what’s up?

Coords Well my work room is under my shops still in the process of being build its a best way to walk it is by using the stair behind the Exchange or to just jump down in the middle.
South side of the work room is almost finished.

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I have a bunch of builds in Sasquatchville on Alder that might be interesting to visit.

If you get to the Sasquatchville hub, you can use different portals that I have over there to get to my builds, I can also provide coordinates:

Princess Tower : -981N 140E alt 68
The Hideout: -1009N 285E alt 96
Sasquatchville Plaza is right under the Hideout
The Kaleidoscope is East of the Hideout
Pillar Temple: -846N 390E alt 65
Ice meteor observatory: -452N 721E alt 65

Hope you’ll see something you like :slight_smile:


You can also go check out the town of Tiggersville on Alder, (988N, 2077E alt 69)
And Adult HQ on Alder as well (1206N 407E alt 68)

2 very nice places to visit! :smiley: