"I wish I knew that sooner" Boundless *secrets*

You can also dig into the side of a high cliff and use the return to Sanctum bump warp to get to the top.

Edit: also good for getting out of deep awkward caves.


PS4 click the right thumbstick to remove the gem from your atlas.


Tips for idiots like me :rofl:

Spending skill points on crafting skills, unlock new crafting recipes.

Some high level foods recipes are more easy to craft than low level ones (huge impact on gameplay)

(edit: oh! GreyArt247 already explained it)
Climbing any natural obstacles (cliff, tree, anything) without grapple:
Dig two blocks height tunnel into the cliff, place your character inside and close any gap, teleport to sanctum and come back.

Big one for me: Hit triangle to use cleanse points on the skill tree. There was no tip or indicator, you just had to figure it out.

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Use the Test server to test forging mechanics and tactics. No need to waste ingredients


did anyone mention the knowledge tab yet? maybe even too obvious, but u can find much stuff about where to find ressources and furnace recipes and such. The knowledge tab will update when u learn new recipes to craft. U can check the world tab too to see what ur current (and all saved ) planet(s) contain in ressources


18 logs worth of timber yields more heat than 18 logs worth of sticks


Thought of another one, if you really like the color or don’t know the style of the block you can press F1 (on the pc, not sure if PS4 has this option) to enter debug mode, and then click on the menu button that pops up in the upper left hand corner and use Debug Information, scroll down in the box that opens to the selection option, and then you will be able to see block type and color.

Then with the color you can go to boundlesscrafting.com and search for the base block (wood, rock or soil type) and then look at the middle box to at colors to find where it comes from. Or for stones you can check the Worlds Tree in Bitula or Stone Store for nice displays. I wish there was one for wood too.


Sadly, no such thing on the PS4 :frowning:

I wish I knew all it took to make soup was: 1 Bucket of water + 2 Earthyams in a furnace. Great food at an early level would have helped so much. Plus I wouldn’t have just cooked all those earthyams… such a waste =P


Also, 2 x Raw Meat and 1 x Edible Lamella in a furnace makes a Meaty Casserole. Wasted so much raw meat just cooking and eating it lol.


posted this already, see:

This would be one of those furnace recipes.
also u need food crafting skill to have access to this recipe.
Btw cooked meat (without any additional preparation) is very good to get some energy back, without using ur buffing high tier food, when another buff is already applied, or u still have some duration on ur food buff.


ok … i just found out (shame on me, so late)

that shift clicking a smart stack, when having some storage open, sorts and merges the stack into the already existing smart stacks inside the storage >.<

You just figured it out because it was just added in the latest update.


OMG this just made my life so much easier with forging. Thank you!

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That I had to buy the “deluxe” edition to be able to make fists…

Only the gold fists, and until recently they were alot worse than iron, now they are more on par with iron fists.

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u can deplete saved up defect points with pure boons. Because defect is still ticking while using pure boons, but not increasing, u can deplete those defect points into several unfinished defects. That should be the only occasion where u use pure boon compounds, because the other compounds yield more boon.

Quirk needs more points to afflict the tool/weapon, so it is very likely to deplete quirk points naturally into unfinished quirks.

This depleting happens because (as far as in know) quirk and defect points always flow into the next quirk/defect if there is still space for one more.

so i usually start with 2 imperfect compounds and then several pure boons to immediatly deplete some of those defect points. then i continue with unstable compounds until defect gets high again so that i need to deplete again.

(no power yet… soon my mixer and forge is powered and i see what will change >.<)


I wish winderstruck finally gave us the ability to upgrade to the deluxe edition, sigh…

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