IDEA: Capital City Bonus!

We can play what-ifs forever man, and early access is a huge 2 week advantage of time.
Time is one of the most beneficial resource in this game, when you get to the bottom of it all.
Time is time, period.

So, use your time wisely :wink: jump on one of those new planets, via a portal or warp there on your own and build an awesome city and collaborate with the people and set up your own network. The past is just that, past. You have the whole future of the game to play and enjoy it. I have my goals, the PS guys have theirs. As I said before its supposed to be about fun, it is a game after all.
Edit: 37 planets now, if Im not mistaken, and the majority of them are starter worlds ripe for the taking.

What’s stopping you from going to a newly released world and creating a capital there? Stock up now, take what you need to a newly released world, and build something if you want the title so badly. Nobody has an advantage over you. You do not have to try and take the capital from anyone. You can literally watch out for a new world and be the first to put up a city. Problem solved. Goodluck keeping the rank by yourself though.

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Yes, the early access people have a huge advantage over everyone. I do not understand how people think this is not true. 14 extra days from normal players. That is a lot of time.

Dont pick and choose sentences. I’ll ask you again. What’s stopping you from going to a new world and building a capital?

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please explain how an early access player would have any advantage on a new world? If one popped up right now and you jumped on it, you’d have the advantage, right? Because you got there first? Hahahahahahaha no, the only advantage you’d have is if you’ve got like thirty people with you building a city, and continuing to build it so it wouldn’t get taken over. IE: aquatopian embassy.
Without that “advantage” your fighting an uphill battle with no reinforcments.


You want a capital city? Grab your friends and get started. On whichever planet. The capitals will change as they have so often done in the past. On Solum(rip) I saw the capital change three times a day for a week. It happens, and will continue to happen. That’s the Prestige Wars.

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By having a dedicated portal to connected to other capitals? I still don’t understand how this is supposed to have any effect on how a city stays as a capital.

Back to the OP idea, I like it kind of. It’s be cool if there was a “capital world” that linked the capitals, but think of the issues that would cause anytime capitals changed hands, which they will and do.

Wow, some of you people must be – I dont know – you either dont understand what fair is or are mostly pre-release players.

You are correct, when new planets come out the field is fair. But what is not fair is when new planets come out (like on release) and all the pre-release people had 14 whole days to gather resources and set up all their hubs. They stock piled resources so as soon as the new planets came out they went out and just extend their hub already.

I cannot believe you do not see how this is an advantage.

Again, my whole point of this thread is to give new cap cities a chance to suceed AND to say there SHOULD HAVE BEEN A FULL WIPE ON RELEASE.

Since they DIDNT full wipe, I made my suggestion about the cap. city portal stone thing.

No more, no less.

I feel early access has a huge advantage, most of you people don’t since you are early access and that is fine. Most of you people on the forums have been here for a while since most of you are early access. Most people dont post on gaming forums who play games, but people invest, such as early access players do so I understand all the flak im getting here.

But you all are NOT going to bully me out of my point of view or expressing my ideas.

I know you are not this dense…

Because people will want to see what city came up and took the new spot. Which means they might like it and want to live there. Instead of just living by the current man-made hubs. (again, not all, but MOST new players do this).

You have hot-hubs (which are hubs that the cap city on each planet has access too). So interested people will check it out and want to possibly stay there.

No bullies here buddy. Just trying to understand your point, and get ours across. I, admittedly, love to debate. It, imo, brings out some better ideas most of the time.


I see, so you’re saying what we need is another portal network? To prevent people from settling around existing portal network hubs?

If people want to explore new cities that pop up they will via the existing portal infrastructure that’s already out there. Having a special network will change nothing.


I will continue with this thread tomorrow. Have a good day.

I like the idea of a cool down period rather than the portal thingy. New capital has X time as capital before it can be “dethroned” thereby giving the new capital a chance to attract more like minded individuals to join their city.

Perhaps the only way to make it fairer because all the early backers have this massive unfair 2 week advantage is to have a complete wipe every time someone new joins the game that way we will always have a level playing field.


As others have pointed out the reason the devs gave us 14 days was to set up capital, builds, portals, anything really to showcase the game and use as marketing. Again, it was for the greater good of the game to have some substance to show to potential new players what is possible. The ultima hub which was set up after the portal seeker for example was barely set up by the time pre order players from ps4 joined. You know why because only a handful of players were working togheter…look at it now its the second largest portal hub. So instead of focusing on something we cant change how about we focus on something in the present. You seem to enjoy the game and you seem to understand that you can take the capital title whenever you want so what’s the issue? Fairness? Sounds pretty fair to me.



This Idea for me at least interesting! And I like it. It has nothing to do with the lore of the game (not that there is a lore in game) but by getting the capital linked to a special hub… that would be the ultimate portal hub, any other portal hubs will just crumble at the feet of it’s magnificence. We would know for sure how many new planets there are (at least with capitals) without guessing and I suppose, those portals will be fueled by the game, donno.

Now, I’m like 99% sure this will never be implemented in this game. Not necessarily because anyone that has or wants a portal hub, will start crying like a baby for the footfall that they so dearly lose, it is more because it restricts you from exploring and pulverizes the need for portals. Once this idea would be implemented, The only think (portal wise) everyone will do, is to link their home to the capital. Then comes the economy crash.
Economy… not that there is a very robust system in this game but there is an economy. With this central portal hub, the one that controls the roads of the capital, will become the richest character on that planet.
So with this in mind… the entire gameplay will be simplified to just 2 things: Race to capital on any new planet, once capital, keep it and plot as much road as possible. No more plots available ? no worries, we convert the cubits into pay-to-win, and pay cash, buy cubits, buy more plots, extent the roads, more road, more footfall more currency… you see where I’m going with this? :slight_smile:

With respect,

I’m not sure how I feel about this idea. On the one side I like that once any settlement had been set up on any planet it could be accessible, which means more freedom for everyone.

However, when I try to think how this scenario might play out, it feels a little hollow. If the goal it to try and spread out the capitols so that it doesn’t just stay in the hands of on person or group (in this case, of the portal hub owners)… doesn’t this scenario just turn the capitol into the equivalent of a portal hub, and make the current capitol be the place where everyone goes to join up for convenience? Wouldn’t that be just as stale?

As a side note: It also directly contradicts what I believe the aim of the game is, which is (however much I don’t like to play along), a social game where almost everything is better (but not otherwise unachievable) if you play together with people. I might not like everything that the PS group does, but I cannot deny that they have put a lot of work in, and made the game easier and more approachable for the majority of people. Which is the point. They didn’t get to where they are because they were here early. They got there because they put the work in. I’ve been playing from the PC pre-launch access too, and I barely even have power coils.

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Let me tell you a story.
I bought Boundless 3 days before wipe (lucky me). I played a bit, learned most basic things. Than wipe happened.

Than i started to play proper after wipe. Last week I made powered workbench.
I played without a group and did almost everything by myself. Last time i checked I had 200+ hours.
Sure, i didn’t fully optimized, I was having fun while building up.

Now to Portal Seekers guild.
In 2 (literally two) days Portal Seekers made first hubs. They bootstrapped from nothing to powered workbenches in less then TWO days. Crafted first portals and in 3 or 4 days they had all existing at the time worlds connected.

Every capital existing at that time was also connected to portal network in very short order. I think it took them max a week to FULLY establish network, more or less the same way it is now.
Sure, it was half the size of current one, but tell me, you really think this would make a difference? Snowball effect would make it 1 maybe 2 days longer to connect everything.

Without big group, tones of experience and very very good plan, you would have exactly 0 chances on getting near them even if wipe would happen on the day of release.

You think you could race them? Not a chance.

You think that those weeks were the advantage? No, not even close.
Real advantage was experience.

Everything else would end up exactly the same way with exception of new players having no portals the first day, no way to see what can be built, no infrastructure to help, no vultures to greed up on their coins (okey, that actually would be an advantage)… And no real help because everyone would be running wild looking for setting up their own stuff.