Ideas about tree mechanics and general suggestions/ideas

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Well, forget about minecraft, sorry. Suppose you planted trees, and someone cut them down. What will you do?
P.S. i want just save this mechanics, something new not what we all (maybe not all) played before.

I think the planting of trees will be a mechanic that is considered/included in the implementation of farming (future feature).

There are several edge cases for this which would need to be addressed though, such as how to account for people planting trees right next to a beaconā€¦ or surrounding a beacon (griefing etc.) - planting trees inside your own beaconā€¦ what happens when foliage or any part of the tree begins to grow outside of the beacon (fighting with world regen). Thereā€™s probably a few others too, but I canā€™t think any right now.

Planting trees is something I would personally like to see, but Iā€™m pretty certain it wouldnā€™t be a feature that will come this side of 1.0


If seeds along with the tie-cutting idea is implemented, beacons being surrounded would only mean more resources for the owner as itā€™s pretty close to their homes and they can just cut them relatively quick. But as I mentioned, the realistic cutting must be a part too for ā€œgriefingā€ to be countered.

It would also be more work for the beacon owner as wellā€¦ something that might put them off from logging into the game, especially if they are limited on play time. Also, if your beacon is surrounded by the higher tiered trees, which would require a higher quality axe to be able to chop down (and as mentioned would not be included in the remove-grounding-ties-to-remove-the-whole-tree mechanic), then they would be effectively unable to get into or out of their beaconed area, unless they had saved locations (but that is beside the point really).

If that happened to a new player, they may just drop the game and ask for a refund - definitely not something I would want to see happen.


I thought about these issues as well. From what Iā€™ve gathered the solutions around these are that:

  1. The density at least of giant trees on starter planets would be much less, and that most of the trees would need to be the ones easier to maneuver around and cut down. This would allow players to not be trapped near their beacon, and the option to cut down several smaller trees rather than 1 giant one would still be there.

  2. The suggested change in clarity regarding the numeric durability of any blocks would serve to allow players to accurately calculate (given they had enough desire to do so) how long it would take to cut down an entire tree

One of my own thoughts for the solutions to this involved the addition of some kind of passive machine that would allow a player to not acitively be cutting down a tree all at once

  • The logging machine would have to be very tough/arduous to craft and use
  • It would likely need to be one use as to prevent spamming of such
  • Similar to how Creativerse employs extractors, but only in terms of being able to passively allow the machine to collect.
  • Perhaps multiple could be crafted and placed on a single tree that may take hours to log, thus allowing a community to work together in gathering massive amounts of lumber.

edit: didnā€™t notice the griefing concern, whoops. I think that large tree seeds would need ample space between them and any obscuring blocks(such as plots) before meeting the ā€œqualificationsā€ to grow. For example, being planted 50 blocks away from the nearest beacon

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How about large/high tier trees only being able to be planted to certain planets and not the starter ones? That would solve the problem. Also a certain proximity to beacons/plots should solve the ā€œgriefingā€ problem. Like you canā€™t plant anything at all to X amount of block length to plots.