Ideas about tree mechanics and general suggestions/ideas

 I have been playing this game for a little more than 50 hours and some ideas about trees and certain things struck me. I didn't get into the Test server so if any of these ideas/suggestions exist in the Test version, just ignore them. It will be a long read because I wasn't expecting to come up with so many things at a time, so grab some popcorn!

Ideas about trees:

  1. Players should be able to cut trees easily by cutting ALL the ties to the ground, the durability cost of ALL blocks (leaf and wood alike) should be paid when done so and this should not be able to be performed with a Totem on all trees

  2. Trees in beginner planets should be smaller and most of them should be able to be cut down with Totems. Bigger trees should take good tools and more durability to cut compared to smaller counterparts.

  3. Gigantic trees should not be affected by ground-ties-cutting (as that would be too easy to down and too destructive)

  4. Trees should drop their unique seeds that have timers on them when planted, they should also rot in time when held or stored for certain amounts of time (as seeds are also alive tissue and they can die).

  5. Trees should have tiers and not all trees should be able to be cut with all tools with the same amount of strikes.

  6. Only axes should affect Trees as hammering a tree doesn’t sound that effective (Most probably intended to be added)

  7. All leaves and all other drops should also drop normally, but less common due to the ability to cut trees easier. (Raw Starberry and Sap should be basically rarer)

  8. Leaves should take about no time to cut and should not be solid enough to step on (but grapple should still work). Might break the idea of leaf houses but natural leaves can still have less solidness (we can swim in swamps that have leaves on if that will ever be added lol). Player-placed leaves can still be solid to step on so they can be used for building. There can even be an option to process leaves to make them solid (like compressing maybe)

As much as I care about the trees, I still have some more suggestions and ideas about certain and miscellaneous things.

Other ideas:

  1. Beginner area mobs drop rates should be increased/balanced, a mob not dropping meat when it’s made of meat is rather annoying (same for Bones and Tallow) and also bigger enemies should have more chance to drop more than one meat/bone/tallow/ in hostile planets. These should be adjusted so rarer and stronger mobs don’t drop more than they usually do.

  2. Buckets (or something of the same function) can be added to the game so we can take water or other fluids and make our own little pools (or traps with lava, I mean who would not want that?) or even a tool that can hold liquid (but not a bucket) and can be upgraded so it can carry more would be pretty useful.

  3. There can be certain useful gadgets like ore finder or radar (an upgrade for compass that could work good) as either separate hand-held items or one-use items. A coordinate shower could also help a lot (I know debug mode shows it but it’s too verbose to locate where you actually are in means of coords)

  4. Block placement indicator should be improved so we can actually see it without doubts. The outline of where we are placing (that is highly visible) should solve the problem. Afterall, placing something wrong means loss of durability as you don’t always place simple things that you can dig with a Totem (looks at Gleam and Growth*)

  5. Durability of tools should be shown more clearly (with options to make it show as percentage or actual numbers). A near-dead tool that can hit 50 more times both looks and sounds weird.

  6. Smart stacking sometimes fails to stack literally the same thing into groups even though they are the same color. This can be fixed by making certain common-found blocks exact-same color in different planets as it only happens when same material from different planets are tried to be stacked.

  7. Inventory auto stack and auto sort should be a thing. Also our equipment wheel should not be affected when we change the place of an item in our own inventory. The inventory can also be made upgradeable either with crafting or money (or maybe some of both)

  8. Creature HP should be visible (or there can be a gadget that can show how healthy our little monsters are, obviously craftable at later levels of crating).

  9. Guilds should be a thing and UI should be more player-friendly (I’m sure there will be something close to guilds added so ignore it if you want). Having shared Guild Beacons should be pretty nice. A good mechanic about Guilds would be adjustable permissions so someone random can’t get in, steal the collective effort and walk away.Permissions like block placement or removal, usage of shelves or storage blocks etc etc etc… would be pretty functional.

  10. An element system can be added and monsters can have certain weaknesses against some and strengths against some. Combat can be divided into magical and physical and certain monsters can be resistant/weak against one or the other. (I doubt the usefulness of this idea.)

  11. Certain movement gadgets can be added to the game, like wings, but for a finite amount of usage time and each “flap” of it will obviously cost durability. It can be made secure if wings make you glide sharply before they break because of depleted durability.

This is all for now but there may be more in the future. I hope you enjoyed my ideas (if you read the long text at all).

Have a good game and enjoy!


This man has some brilliant ideas[quote=“kelleke, post:1, topic:7614”]
Trees should have tiers and not all trees should be able to be cut with all tools with the same amount of strikes.

different types on harder planets in addition to the various tints of already existing trees is something I would love to see.

It can also mean the difference between life and death when mining over lava, etc. It also seems to currenly be a little… erratic? in the live version. Sometimes I have no idea how it places blocks where it does.

MULTIPLE points of agreement here. I think I’ve noticed that some of the colorid codes are one number apart, even when on the same planet. Perhaps this has something to do with region? but is certainly very annoying when I go to the effort of having seperate iron and copper stacks and still cant discern how many i have of either.

Also, I do wish that when quick moving items from machines or storage into your inventory, or vice-versa, they would be auto-stacked with the rest of their items. Even items in the same colorcode do not currently do this.

Great ideas man, can’t wait to see what else you come up with!


As for the block placement indicator, I’ve noticed that you can see it much more easily (really, you can see it AT ALL) while equipping a sapphire torch for instance. Held blocks of gleam or gleam lanterns seem to help not at all though.

I can understand rock from different planets not stacking as it’s conceivably slightly different colors, but iron and copper and etc? Come on…

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Smart stack issue is about color index. If you check to see rocks not standing is due to color index difference between them, color index also somehow affects how some blocks interact with each other. Sometimes not merging or merging

It really shouldn’t be about color index when it’s metal bars of the same type (sometimes even from the same planet) that aren’t stacking. I’ve had the same problem with Oort shards too, and probably several other things I forget… OH YEAH, also portal conduits. It seems like once you’ve placed them if you then break them they don’t want to re-stack properly.

Also elements are gonna be added, guilds too.

And the water thing is a problem, from many grief experiences that had happened. So they’re looking for suggestions for how to handle water

Its something to be reported. But iron and Cooper might be from being cooked in different furnaces

Does[quote=“Dzchan94, post:7, topic:7614”]
being cooked in different furnaces

change some sort of data with the colorid? or is this a seperate thing. I haven’t noticed. Is it intentional then?

Not sure, that’s something a dev might be able to answer.

I’ve noticed if you have different color index sedimentsry and make mass on a machine. It will acquire the color index of the first block. What I suppose might happen is you’re burning iron and copper with wood or peat and its acquiring the color index of those. I might be completely wrong too. It was an old issue with iron and copper. But i haven’t seen it happen for a month and more already. So I believed it was solved.

As copper, iron, coal and some other blocks all hold the same color index, no matter the planet

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I’d have to deny that. I’ve had metal bars from the same furnace and the same planet refuse to stack. Seems like it has more to do with me having smelted them during separate play sessions.

Oddly, I’ve had cooked meat that wouldn’t stack earlier suddenly decide to stack later. I don’t know how an ID of that type would suddenly change to conform, but…

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Placement indicator works just fine in testing. (I remember it’s dodgy in live).

There’s a skill to unlock that.[quote=“kelleke, post:1, topic:7614”]
An element system can be added and monsters can have certain weaknesses against some and strengths against some.

There is a ready elemental damage/resistance system - simply not implemented yet.

Ok I just tried it. One has been burned with coal, and the other has been burned with ancient trunk, on the same furnace. And as you can see they have different colors. One being (0) and the other (1)

this is a difference my eye can’t notice so I have to believe the numbers :blush:

Having a different color number, doesn’t mean it’s a different color. For instance starter planets materials all have different color indexes, but it doesn’t mean they’re different. I remember on my my color index post, they mentioned how some colors in some moon and ring planets might change in the future. So Color index, doesn’t mean it’s a different color in appearance, it just means it has a different Color Index

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Good to know. I thought different color index always means different color.

Anyways, is it still the case that when you mass produce something from blocks of different colors, the entire output will have a color of the first block from the input?

It’s kinda like this.

I place a block of sedimentary from Solum and 71 from sedimentary from Therka, the mass 50 sedimentary stones will come out with Solum color index as it was placed first.

Now I have 50 remaining from Therka and 22 from Berlyn, that mass 50 sedimentary stone will come out with Therka’s color index. So on and so on.

Basically it acquires the color index from the first block of the single, bulk or mass used.

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Now that’s pretty interesting. I didn’t notice that but the iron is the same wasn’t it? Kind of illogical that it’s used for same stuff but can’t stack.

It works the same, even though it doesn’t stack. It’s weird for me too.

I just use those “special” iron first, so that it solves the issue of having iron that doesn’t stack.

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Sorry, but your tree-epos, I think, is not so good for implementation. Boundless is an MMO game, if it would be so easy to cut a tree, you can not find any of them after the game is released. I think that the tree-system is now fine.

About the second list:
You need to understand that the game is in development and most of your proposed things are on the way to implementation.
(Except for obvious things, such as sorting and autopackage, which they never implement :joy:)

  • Beginners area, they rework the drop-system I think, you need a little patience.
  • buckets are ready to go.
  • ore radar and coordinate gadget. I truly hope that developers will throw out any of the existing gui elements that show coordinates even in marker information. You’re just trying to find an easy way, but if you play more than a few hours, you’ll start to feel this game and find out where you can find everything you want! In the end, on some of the first places, this game is about exploration! :wink:
  • the placement blocks is not so critical, you get used to it.
  • durability, again just fine, I do not think that you need to add or modify something.
  • creatures HP, again just fine, at long and medium distances, you do not see it, but in the short range you see the HP bar, or do you want to see running around HP bars? :doug:
  • guilds and elements on the way.
  • certain movement gadgets - on the test server you can test the high jump, double jump and climbing, all this stack will give you the opportunity to jump to a height of 8 blocks! that’s COOL! And I’m also waiting for rocket boots! :rocket:

Not really that much easier. In addition, people only need so much wood, and it logically ought to be faster to harvest than stone and etc. Pretty much any construction material other than perhaps sand is harder to harvest.

-1: People don’t need so much wood that they would cut down absolutely everything.
-2: Trees regrow in what, eight hours? Are you seriously trying to say that people would cut down most or all of the trees every eight hours just because it’s easy? That would never happen.

As for reasons FOR a better tree system:

-1: Flying treetops and/or leaves are weird, illogical, and ugly.
-2: Improved realism, if you’re in to that.
-3: Safer, saner full harvesting than climbing to the top of a tree and then cutting your way down from the top.

The only serious reason against it would be:

-1: Increased processing demands, particularly with very large trees. But really that should be left to the Devs to decide whether it’s realistically implementable or not.

Edit: wow hashes make everything bold :expressionless: