I'm friendly I swear

Yea but most new people won’t know. Especially those who don’t use the forums. No where in game does it say what those mean. And if you don’t buy GC you wouldn’t know what the colors mean either. And even then it’s putting two and two together

Where are you doing your giveaway? We are planning a New Years party in EZPZ at a. Club called Club N. We will have tons of giveaways and live DJ in discord if you would like to be apart of this PM me😊


Wait the icon above a character changes dependant upon the level that character is?

I never knew that and have like 4k hrs lol


Omg that reminds me of day 1 when someone approached my buddies and me before we knew there was no pvp. We were mic’d up going “Kill him! Kill him!” The one was ready to fight with a wooden axe :joy:

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yep, search in the forums didn’t give me a good result so I tried googling it, which did give me a picture ironically leading back to a post in the forums. Took me a while to find that post again xD

It’s mostly correct except it’s missing the level 100 and 150 icons, which are the boundless fist icon (lv150+) and the same except the two ‘dots’ are connected(lv100-149)

That, and the fact that your icon background changes shape to a jagged 8 pointed star when you have GC instead of a plain square, and it’s color changing depending on how long your GC has time remaining

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Exactly why most people don’t know what any of it means. So easiest way to find someone’s level is by inspecting them.


Neither do I, other than the few that i do manage to remember. It’s a nice little feature tho.