I'm just about do... WAIT! - Bucfanpaka Has a Heart of Gold!

DISREGARD BELOW: I’ll be back. :slight_smile:

Like the title says. I’m just about done with Boundless.

I thought the day would never come. I loved it. I really did. But now, after so many ‘changes’, it’s no longer the game I fell in love with. Actually, it’s not really a game to me anymore. It’s more like a job or a chore that I don’t get paid for. It’s stressful. And stress is one thing I have enough of in my life these days. I used to play this game to avoid the stress but, here we are.

I was looking forward to the farming update. Farming, but not as we know it, is how it was marketed to us. Okay, sounded very interesting. But now it’s here and what have we got? A system where you either have to have a phd or some sort of degree in quantum entanglement in order to figure out all these ratios to make a successful crop. Like, wtf? What’s fun about that? It limits how we build our farms, how they’ll look etc. because the seeds need to be planted in this thing, and next to that thing but within x amount of blocks of this other thing and you can do it one way for more seeds or another way to get more crops and etc. etc. and it gives me a frikken headache.

Then we have the new lighting and foliage quality settings. It looked great on testing at first. But they just had to keep playing with it and now, too dark at night, too damn bright during the day. I go out gathering and when I look to the ground to smack a desert sword or whatever, I’m blinded because the light increases when looking down. Wtf? I’m now constantly having to adjust the new darkness balance when it is day and again when it turns night. It’s like I have the settings window open constantly.

Then there’s the foliage settings. Can’t see the darned resources through the grass, no matter what setting I have it on. But James says it’s working as intended and is most effective when looking down from a height. Well NEWSFLASH! Our character models don’t have much height and we don’t run around gathering by placing blocks to climb to height before we smack a resource. We don’t have stilts either and quite frankly, there’s no difference when at a height anyway, the settings do nothing! But no, they’re working as intended, apparently! The devs also said, well, we added luminosity to the resources to make them stand out and easier to see. Well, guess what, many of the resources such as desert swords and many others don’t have a single shred of luminosity. They never did and they sure as heck don’t now.

And I don’t wanna hear it! The ole “That’s how we PS4 users have had to play” etc. etc. That’s not my fault! Take it up with the devs or Sony. Not my problem! I had the option to buy the game for my PC or PS4. I chose PC. I should be able to play the game and enjoy it with the added benefits that come with being a PC player. But, I cannot any longer.

I also find myself having to alter my schedule in the real life to fit and revolve around the game. Rushing home because I might have forgotten to fuel a portal or are my beacons fueled? Am I going to lose everything because I have no sanctum storage or, the game gives me back nothing that I worked hard to craft because of the stupid beacons and regeneration.

Oh and, lets not mention the nerfs of past. That’s a whole other barrel of dead fish.

Sorry, but the game has become way too much of a tedious grind and it’s effecting my mental health on a negative level. I might come back some day but I highly doubt it.

You guys are an awesome community. You’re about the only positive thing that I can take away from all of this. One piece of advise I’d like to give you all is… Don’t take “It’s working as intended” as a final answer. If you feel strong enough about an issue then fight for it and to have it dealt with. I gave up on a recent issue because I personally just don’t have the strength or will left to fight anymore.

Love you all in this community and I’ll miss you. Take care of yourselves. :cry:


Im sorry to see you go as every person the game loses is a blow for me.

I never really found the farming ratios hard to figure out, in fact it was the most fun thing I’ve experienced trying to get the best crops and has been a thoroughly enjoyable update for me and I love the new lighting.

Well good luck and I’m sorry you aren’t enjoying the game anymore and I hope that you may give it another try at some point.


Well. Good luck. Maybe have a break… usually it helps.

Ps. Its a game. Not irl. Take care of irl first then worry about the game.


Aw man, this makes me really sad, you’re one of my favorite people. :frowning: Know that if you ever want to come back and just chill out, no stress, there is always a place for you at my settlement. A few new really cool NMS folks have joined in Boundless just recently, might be enjoyable for you at some point to just relax and change pace in the game, hang and chat, go exploring.

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Can i have all your stuff? :wink:


I can totally understand your frustration with these things. Maybe check back after some time to see if the game has evolved in a direction that would make it fun again for you. You never know :woman_shrugging::+1::blush::sunglasses:

If it’s becoming stressful, then you gotta put yourself first and take a break. Life’s too short for bad feels.

If you need some space to store anything in case you come back, I’ve got room at my base. I’ve got GC for quite awhile. You can take an inventory + screenshots for receipts — I won’t mess with anything.



It’s a weird coincidence, I just decided to quit now as well. I might come back in a few months to fuel my beacons, but we’ll see.

I wish all the best to everyone who plays and for the game’s future.

EDIT: I am also coming back. Boundless is immortal. ???


I will miss you braaah! :sunglasses:

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I really hate this.

I hate when we loose good, long term players. I know it happens, but it seems to be happening for all the wrong reasons.


Another one down. Not a lot of the “old” names i remember from my early days left now. Soon i will be able to count them on one hand


Games are for fun. If you aren’t having fun :slight_smile: stop playing!

Gotta put yourself first.


I completely understand the frustration you have… I think, though, many people are making this more complicated than it needs to be.

In some of the more advanced things maybe but not for most plots. It is pretty easy to just place mud, water, and dirt and get basic returns. People do not need to put for the most optimum return. If they are then they are causing more problems and frustration for themselves.

Overall I hear you are frustrated and don’t want to minimize that.


But, but, but, we will miss you! That’s not good!

How do I get my gleam now, Ghandy quitting/taking break, you quitting, gasp, I will need to get it myself :cry:

In all seriousness, if it’s the crop yield stuffs I am willing to help and am sure many others are too, don’t give up just yet!

You already decided what it’s going to be? Break or quitting?

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Dont be silly. I havent got 12hrs of fuel left. That is decision time.

Utter lack of desire to figure out the nonsense of farming is a big part of the ■■■■■ to it, im not coming back though.

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absence makes the heart grow fonder

have a little holiday, flirt with other games, but maybe realise what has made boundless fun for you.

farming…I haven’t touched it yet and probably won’t, for the same reason I don’t forge…it’s learning and using a system that doesn’t interest me.
I’ll rather being doing something else that I actually enjoy (building and exploring but insert your own preferences here).


Well I guess I look at a different set of “old” names… need hands and feet to count them…


@C0ND1T10NR3D Well… Your title says you’re “just about done.” Before you go, feel free to die in the Reapers Trials so your name can be display with honour on the wall of shame for eternity. Lol.
@142857 that goes for you too. Lol.


Heh, after thors quiting i had an idea that sooner Or later ppl will start mass quiting.

Thor is still here thou and trying out farming it seems.

Oh well, he was nice enough to let me salvage hes not so red gleam lol