In defense of the "noob"

At 700 hours in I’m a gem-mining-noob and forge-noob. I’m ok with that.

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Also a mining noob-ish

But…I have a fantastic topaz mining spot set up. If you ever see any of my alts hanging out at High Ridge, just ask and I’ll hook you up with a location token so you can warp to my camp.

I’ve got all three pages filled and 8 alts. Still a noob too. I love trading info with anybody because I often find that I’m an idiot at things I didn’t know I should have been doing… Humility goes a long long way in my book


No, they only allow you to chisel higher level materials. Titanium chisel won’t chisel titanium blocks so you need gem chisels for those and anything higher like deco gems. Not sure about the new blocks

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Any chisel will work on the new blocks.


Im a noob. I dare you to say that ingame to me.
Its building competition after that. :sunglasses:

I think most people would rather be a noob than a “veteran” who only gets on once every couple months to fill beacons. Also worth noting that helping the right noob can come back around. Just dropped a full stack of oort on the dude who helped me initially…

I am not a fan of bullying
…definitely would not stand idly by if I witnessed that kind of bad stuff

Short story…

I noticed a few randoms on my compass.
I portaled to my hub, then ran to meet them.
They both were staring at the sky. then run 10 blocks, and stare.
I asked what they were doing…“Looking at Biitula”
I asked why… “To warp”.
…oh dearie… I informed them of the Portal hub 100 meters from them that is linked to every planet…

I proceeded to /wipe to clean my face from mind blowing debris…
then I remembered doing that myself.
I then showed them through a dozen portals.
They lived happily ever after…
The end.



I remember looking for portals back before the free warp home update, sometimes they’d be behind locked doors or buried at mantle level lol.


New player = newb.
Stupid player = noob.

Like “fidach keeps trying to bury newbs in free rock”.
Or “I tried a discount bouncy feet shovel on my gatherer. Noob move.”


What about Nub?

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That’s when you lose a finger.


That’s what I use for new people, Nub. That’s mAh thang . Don’t steal it. Mah Word.

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Those were

Fun Times

An Oortian of the Past


I’m #teamnub bra

Coppin dubs, pwnin nubs


We all start out in the same place…


tbh I love being the noob because everything is awesome ^^ ;D
Not that it’s still not awesome but the feeling is diffrent once you are used to something:)


Newb is as nooby does.

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Wow only 40… noob! Lol jkjk. I agree! :heart: