On Storis, Angel or Grov Te? Only able to afford 1 portal? Choose High Ridge Market

At High Ridge I currently have three portals.

  1. Portal to PS Storis ( which is just one hop from PS Grov Te…which is just one hop from The Ultima Guild HQ/Aquarius Network and Hunter’s Courtyard)
  2. Portal to Hubbit Network (run straight ahead, across the bridge and up the gravel path to Town Hall. 15-20 second walk.
  3. Portal to the Diablo Network.

That’s 4 networks and The Hunter’s Courtyard within 15-20 seconds of my mini hub.

I have four 4-block, one 3-block and three 2-block portals ready to go.

Two of the four-block portals can be combined and/or expanded at need for anyone who is further.

No charge, no rules except no trolling.

Oh, yeah, I also have a store.

High Ridge Market

From PS.
Take PS Grov Te > PS Storis II > across the bridge, 2nd on your left.

From Hubbit
From Hubbit Hole on Storis II > The Shire (Storis II Surface) > Turn left (South), down the gravel path, follow the road until you see the sign.

Diablo Network
From The Knowledge Shop (Grov Te) > Storis II > High Ridge Market.

Join us! Explore with ease!

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Edited the OP to show the easy routes from Hubbit and Grov Te.

Considering adding another portal…not sure if I have the oort stream for that, but I’m thinking about it.

My question is…to where?

Here I’ll list the portals and the places I have easy access to. (things I don’t need links to)

PS Storis II Hub (Alpha City)

—PS Grov Te Hub and PS Network

-----Hunter’s Courtyard/Guild

-----Ultima Hub

The Shire

—Hubbit Network (Hubbit Hole Hub)


-----P.U.R.E. Hub

Diablo Hub

Any glaring holes in my coverage that would be a two-block portal from Storis II?

So the Shire would be your connection to the PURE Hub which seems to be the one missing from your existing coverage.

Edited for Type

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Welcome aboard Grythe (Grythius) and the GNK Guild!!

Also, refinery power coils (regular) now dropped to 1500c!

Low level food restocked.

Tour is this Saturday, right?

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Thanks. Now we just need to actually get the shop up & running.

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Let me know if I can help. I might have some spare shop stands I can drop on ya.

Also, is that the sign you want?

Same thing with you @xElxDiablo. If you want your sign to say something different, let me know.

works for us.
Do you have an Oort donation bin? Ill gladly toss some in occasionally

Just to be sure, do you want me to change it to just “GnK” or leave it as is?

Thanks, I should. I’ll set one up.

I also thought you’d appreciate the bit of advertising I put on the side. :slight_smile:

“Come here, dig sand, create footfall.” Lol.

Sign is great. Although I’m not sure I would call myself a “network” just yet haha. Just a solo player in love with this game, trying to see how many planets I can connect myself to before I run out of Oort.

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Would you mind making the “n” lowercase so it says “GnK Guild”
Sand farming is good stuff.

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No problem at all.

A big welcome to Quark on Angel I, the latest portal addition at High Ridge!

Quark provides links to:
Gyosha Mall
Grindstone (Ultima U.S. West Hub)
Nex Tech (PS Imdaari)
PS Grov Te

Shouldn’t you have a portal here, too?

Number of available portals has been expanded! Let me know if you need a custom size.

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