Introducing the Megaton and Gigaton Hammers - One hit ores and rocks with an aoe hammer on T6 worlds

I think you made some sweet hammers. gg


I always envy people who can use
forge right way.
good job

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Cool hammers. Always be innovating. You never know when you’ll find the next big thing. With regard to the ppl negatively comparing you to the current local maxima, just remember that people were bomb mining and getting huffy about it going away while AoE hammers were there waiting to be discovered the whole time. Haters gonna hate.

I think the main competition for your build is something like a meta T6 hammer with a lesser offhand hammer that can do the following:

  1. finish off ore
  2. finish off gravel
  3. loot magnet
  4. glow radius

It may be more viable to craft these off-hand tools and give them market recognition as strong as “T6 hammer”; than to compete directly with the T6 hammer.

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Nice hammers. That critical is very nice for clearing tunnels since it at least takes out the sand and two hits big walls of gravel. Still, something of this level might best be saved for t7 worlds. Now I’m wondering, what’s the math on pursuing both critical chance and effect instead of damage? With such a sure fire criticaling power, would a high critical effect actually do more damage overall?


The math for crit chance works like this. If your agility is maxed out that gives your character 20% crit chance. It can be doubled to 40% by use of a crit pie. Emerald hammers have a base 20% crit chance. No hammer has a higher base crit chance than this. With the critically lucky trait you can add up to 50% crit so that means up to crit chance 70% on the emerald hammer. Unfortunately this means that the only way to guarantee crit is to have both the critically lucky boon and use a criticaling pie. Without criticaling pie the most crit you can get is 90%. Still I made a single target hammer based on this idea:

This hammer has an 80% chance to 1 hit and 20% chance to 2-hit without taking up your buff slots. I think I can make and sell these for about 9k and they would typically have 75-90% chance to 1-hit. It may make sense to use an aoe hammer where the extra slot is autoharvest when using this strategy since the single-hit requires 3 boons slots, and autoharvest often comes up accidentally when forging aoe T6 hammers.

Yes, I typically use an offhand with light and autoharvest. I am looking at other ideas for an offhand as well. I am considering a mining fist and will post an update if that experiment goes well.


I’m not sure what the hp left on a rock seam is after a T6 hammer hit. There’s a possibility that the best off-hand tool is a shovel, because it can finish off both gravel that the T6 hammer barely dented, and rock seams which it took a good chunk out of. Without really digging into the numbers I can’t say for sure. Just wanted to raise the possibility that the best offhand might be a shovel with loot, glow, and +dmg

you must not be mining on the same planets as me if youre 1 hitting ORE with a 9k hammer…

Aenea and xepayt were making aoe t6 hammers with dura or spd for under 10k.

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I think youre missing the point a bit… its not about getting dura or speed… its about being able to 1 hit everything in front of you with 1 swing… no random leftover blocks… no lost dura on extra swings for picking up that 1 piece of ore left behind. Dura and Spd may seem good but ive bought and used one of these hammers in direct comparison to one of aeneas… these things feel like a dream to mine with.

Whoops you said ore. Lol my bad. and I’ll double check a custom order of my hammers but pretty sure I was 1 hitting ore with a mega strength brew. Didn’t need the spd since it was 10/10 on dmg n spd.

Ore and Gems to clarify. It one hits both

Very cool hammers. I probably wouldn’t buy as bleeding edge efficiency isnt important to me. I like the idea though

All this beautiful marketing :slight_smile: They’re selling the dream, not the hammer.

Gotta love it.

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When megaton and gigaton exploded onto the scene, it caused a great outcry among the public. Sure these bomb hammers are powerful they said, but I wish they were faster and lasted longer, and if possible were cheaper. Desperate to calm the uproar, our forge scientists went back to the drawing board and typed furiously in their calculators looking for any way to improve on megaton and gigaton. They turned to the scriptures which described a frightful beast - a so called werehammer. Under the light of the full moon, the werehammer transforms from a somewhat weaker than normal tool, to a somewhat more powerful than normal cracking machine. It turns out this extra oomph was just enough for the werehammer to perform the same feat as megaton and gigaton - it too can collect all manner of rock and ore in a single swing. The user of werehammer would still have to drink the concoction of blood and gunpowder that we all know and love, but they would no long need to fill their belly with lean meat pie. What’s more werehammer left room for speed or a bit more durability. Finally, the forgemasters asked, what were people to do if they were not mining in the middle of the day, but in broad daylight? Flipping through ancient lore on the types of afflictions infecting common hammers, it was discovered that the werehammer has its counterpart just like yin has yang. Knowing where it might exist, noonhammer was set free upon the world. Noonhammer had the same advantages during the day that werehammer had at night.

Our forgemasters had to make tremendous sacrifices to bring you these wonderful hammers. In fact, there was hardly a thing they weren’t willing to sacrifice. They sacrificed goats, birds, plants, pretty much anything that could imbue these hammers.

To be clear, you can 1-hit ores with werehammer and noonhammer by using mega strength brew. The hammers will have speed or dura and you are able to use a persisting pie to increase duration.



The werehammer and noonhammer will soon be available for 15k. In the meantime, the price of the megaton and gigaton will be dropped to 15k and 20k each.


Nice Hammers :):grinning:

& At 15k I will definitely test one out.

The warehammer lm more interested in. :wink:

Okay, the werehammer and noonhammer have been posted for 15k. The shop is accessible from the Ultima Aqua Hub, and the Portal Seekers Gravidias Te hub. There is a big sign above saying “Specialty Hammers”

Now are you posting with people drinking a strength brew too? Just noticed that +day or night max damage it still 2 shots seams on t6 unless have strength brew on too. To clarify a little I have NOT read post top to bottom just saw pictures. So may have been answered.

Yes, it does require a strength brew to get the 1-hit ore effect. On the flip side, you can get a hammer with +SPD, so it can be pretty fast. Also, you can still use a persisting pie for durability.,

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Ok was just wondering