Is all future content currently being worked on revealed in snapshots?

Im just wondering if there is content that the devs are keeping a complete secret until the official 1.0 release? Or do we get to see every possible piece of future content in snapshots? I would think that theres quite a bit of content thats kept secret so that we all have new goodies to discover in the official release.


Most certainly there are some things being saved as a surprise.


Did we ever find out what this was?

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I think that’s a part of a guardian. Where is that from?

It was one of the last things @ben posted before leaving Wonderstruck. #bens_month_of_leaks


Yes that was confirmed as part of a guardian’s concept art.

Edit 1: I was going to post the link to the thread, but it seems that either I can’t find it, or all traces have been quietly wiped from existence!

Edit 2: Hmm… I have located an old spoiler image of a guardian, but it’s not sourced from our forums. I’m hesitant to share it here on the forums due to the circumstances in which I acquired this image…


I’m not seeing any traces of guardian artwork in my archive of art either…could it be under another name? I am nonetheless intrigued by this guardian image you have found.

Ahem …


I want that soooo bad. I want to die over and over again trying to defeat one. I want a challenge!!! :heart_eyes:

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Aaah damn I guess I got the name mixed up. Oh well, I like the thought of there being a conspiracy to hide them better.


Only reason I remembered the name is because I’d literally just viewed an image of them I had saved from a while back!