Is anybody buying/using blink items?

I see my shop got scanned into the scanner. There are blink items on the site now but mostly mine still.

My prices are low to mid market looking at rough blink. I’m not complaining really or trying to push sales but I’m wondering what people are doing with the stuff.

It has (IMO) an odd place in item progression and I’m not sure where it will show it’s value or come to be desirable other than for weapons. Any thoughts? The deco is better looking than i thought…

Probably still too expensive for most people. Well for me at least lol. I did 2 mass crafts and used 24 refined in a build. The rest i’ll hoard until probably the next blink world. Might even craft some coils once umbris worlds spawn.


Maybe @Hashmalash is still in the market for some.

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Hey I’m not really looking for a rough blink buyer. I’m just trying to figure out what sort of market or actual use is shaping up for the stuff now that it’s around.

I’d assume it’s hashmalash, or DK, one of the largest volume baskets listed is in eresho. It’s not THE lowest price but basically. It’s also very close to the value I have priced my tools at. I processed all but a few stones though.

I’m just trying to figure out if it’s “worth” turning them into anything right now. Though tbh i wouldn’t mind a couple of sales I’m not looking to recoup atm as much as to move forward. So I started the thread looking to see what, if anything, people want to use it for.

The rough blink market seems to be moving along as you would expect for a technically rare but not very useful item. I’m thinking about taking a few of these crafted items for a ‘test drive’.

I edited the title a little to clarify, thanks for the tip.

Ah sorry about that :sweat_smile:

Itg’s a new item. People are going to feel the desire to charge a premium for it right now. Only those with disposable pockets can afford those prices in bulk.

Probably going to take a few exo cycles for prices to normalize where people are comfortable buying in. I know a lot of people get cranky when they pay 3x the cost for something because its new and then a month later its a fraction of what they paid for.

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Nah lol. No worries It’s good I’m just trying to stimulate some discussion.

TBH i looked again and that’s a shop stand selling the blink too. There’s only buyers for about 50 blink, mostly at prices i would call “hopeful”.

if u have rough blink let me know the price i might buy it all


This is a fair point. But with a consumable some things are different. I mean it’s not as though you’re going to be using the same slingbow or hammer in a month.

Unforged it does damage near to sapphire gems and while it has a ton of durability, I’m curious whether or not anyone really sees a stand out niche for this - what adds value or a sense of progression to these tools? The massive durability is offset by the price right now so … ??

I have the thread in trading because I do have items and blocks “on the table” but I’m interested in people’s thoughts on the new material as well. Are people just waiting to see how it shapes up in the forge?

Also is there a price point people are waiting for specifically enough to share and consider?

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No rough sorry. I’ve got refined in a shop stand in a set of 3 for 3333, i would hand sell up to a hundred of them for 3k per block. I’ll also craft tools for 10k, unforged. I have at least one of every item on hand.

It’s the major thing I’m curious is what are you doing with them. The slingbows will be needed for some hunting clearly but other than that there’s something to surpass it in every area except maybe speed. Will that be enough to create a market for something that stays many times as rare, and many times as expensive (ideally) as a sapphire or a diamond?

Unlike some here i like to participate in the market/economy so I’d sell. At or near market prices. But I’m not TOO eager to sell as i might be more interested in stockpiling against a “better meta” that takes advantage of the properties of the new items. Am I making sense here?

To clarify about this:

I feel that if the tools, or weapons, provided a clear advantage people would be seeking them out to get the advantage even while (perhaps especially while) it’s at a premium. Rift was the first but also offered notable advantages over long range/heavy gem items. So I’m not sure really how much of the rush was hype and how much was due to the utility of the items.

I’ve got some saved for the coils and the rest I made decorative blocks with. I was amazed at the terrible stats of the grapple and didn’t bother checking the weapons. So decorative seemed the best choice for me.

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Lot of hype on rift tools imo. It seemed like no one really tested them on test so nothing was said about them. For the price the gems were going for on rift people seemed more apt to sale their rift once the first few public sales started and people got a feel for what % increase the new items were.

But that’s just how I, one person, saw it playing out. Others may have seen it differently. I feel like more people were interested in the blink for storing for coils, decoration, and some sling bow users for t7 hunters. Outside of that it looks like the new gem tier is pretty premium.

Personally I saved my to make coils to sale when Umbris comes out and to use for decoration.

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i did and i said my opinion on that but people seemed to be right about them to be “harder to forge”.

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I definitely missed your post then. Would be nice if we could get a forum category for ‘testing’ so things like that don’t get lost in the patch note threads.

I wouldn’t cry about a quote here that’s the sort of info I’m looking for at the moment. Probably :slight_smile:

In looking at these for some advantage, I see a “5 boon” version of a balanced gem hammer, and tbh that’s not too bad. Also until I lined them up i hadn’t realized the energy drain was so (relatively) low.

As hard as they are to forge it still can’t reach the damage of a “heavy” gem, i don’t think. Sorry to be lazy and just ask randomly but were balanced hammers able to AoE t7 with strength brew?

In my opinion, the best thing for blink is grapples, forged for distance.
The speeds are already the top tier.


They are if they have devastating boon 9+ (with Mega STR brew)

So this is why in my opinion they aren’t worth, because of the forge effectiveness and some stats related to it.

Let’s compare Diamond Hammer and Rift Hammer With the current highest tier of planet we have (Tier 7)


Max Effectiveness Achievable : 200(maybe 198 now)


Max Effectiveness Achievable : Around 35

With All effect adjacent (reduces dmg by 60%) you will require Devastating Boon Level 5 on both except you will need Mega Strength Brew with Diamond hammer.

Just here compare how hard it is to achieve damage boon 5 between the 2 due to tool effectiveness.

Let’s compare a little bit stats here.

  • Rift Energy Expenditure 68 vs 38 for diamond (So you can almost swing twice more often before stopping, give less hunger penalty)

  • Rift Action Speed 5 vs 15 for Diamond ( while you want to add speed via forging, way harder on Rift than Diamond.)

+Rift Durability 3000 vs 2000 (Rift win here on the screen, but you can probably make 3 diamond hammers for the same price)

The current hammer setup, i find the best for this, is the Diamond hammer with All effect adjacent, Devastating boon 5 and Busy bee 10(action speed boon) + Strength brew combo. Which almost reach the speed cap of 120(i don’t know if its the actual cap but after some test it seems so).

Why ?

Because it costs less overall to make(mat+forging) and still really efficient for what it has to do.

So this may be the answer why Oortians do not buy Special Ore tools, cost too much for what it is.

I am usually not the best at explaining stuff so hope it is fine.


I tend to agree. The cost to acquire the ore is real especially if you don’t have time or equipment to gather other materials while you’re there.

If things go along similar to how they have, the special ores may be available something like 1/6 the time of a gem. While they may have a similar initial density to gems or even a little better, it’s a diminishing return the whole time if you expect to mine for these ores in the same way most players do for gems. I mean just fully smashing around with a 3x3 opening up space. It’s not efficient in an exo past the first or second day.

The ‘special’ swift hammer compares almost evenly to the gem balanced hammers. IMO it’s too tight of a progression, again, to really reflect the extra cost of acquisition. And we’re discussing hammers here but even though some of the blocks are lighter, it’s the same comparison across all of the tool types.

So far the only real need for any of these seems to be weapons. And that’s the opposite where it’s really overkill most of the time.

It’s really looking like the most efficient/suited tools for most tasks will continue to be forged gems for now.


Yes it looks like umbris will be a very fast, very hard to forge, diamond hammer equivalent.

You could still say its like a “5 boon diamond” but it’s only +1200 dura :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I think maybe the cost and difficulty of getting these forged to high levels might be hurting the market more than the lack of progression though, since other material tiers in boundless progress in a similar fashion.

What do you think really good forged lucent tools would sell for. I can do it in 200 rounds… Its still not cheap, but not a bank breaker either…