Is Forging Broken?

So I’m getting weird things happening during forging since latest release. The boon a randomly changing a you keep forging. Leveling boons up is super random even with certain gums added. I also made a set of aoe lvl4 boon hammers that when I used set resin changed to aoe lvl5 boon hammers which ruined them on the result. anyone else getting weird issues with the forge? My forge is Haunted.


yep completely broken

just tried, uploading video in a few.


What a nightmare. Haha

I Have a laundry list of stuff to get forged and I cant im almost sold out of stuff.

I’m scared. o.o

Who broke the forge?!

This must be an omen… an omen of impending UMBRIS!



100% completely busted at the moment. I tried this with 4 different tools, the boons just keep randomly changing every time you try and roll for a new boon. Example: i have Aoe boon, durability boon, use boon compound, Aoe boon magically is no longer there… new boon appears…

GUYS! I just realized this is the PERFECT time to try some lucent bow forges!

Forge is a complete mess. Gums give you no skill %. Need fixed asap.

im waiting

Okay good I was about to post a video on this… Happened here a dozen plus times before I recorded it.

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Oh and of course it’s Friday. Farming is giving me so much anxiety already, the forge being broken is going to send me over the top.



Exactly Gina

Wait wut… I was about to start learning forging! D:

I guess I’ll wait and just make some mats for it for now.

Been too focused on the farming and was trying to make some forging, hadn’t seen this thread, should have done a search before.

Having the same problem, have wasted some boons and not happy over it. Making bombs, grapples and slingbows and was going what is going on here. Really noticed it on the slingbows, forged two of them and was going I thought it said it went up to level 5 why is it showing three. Then get it to five and it show level 6 and then drop to 5 then show level 7 and drop to five. Decon it and stopped. That was a gem forge, not going to waste it.

Something needs to be done quick, for shop owners it must be a nightmare!

Edited: Really pissed! ! !

This is NOT what I was supposed to have forged.

Damage effect was supposed to be level 7 not end up as a 0 This bomb is, from what I am seeing, useless

Why not? It’s one of the new bomb types, well from the previous release, it makes you go faster and does not need damage…

i m having the same problem too i thought it was just me.

Yes, broken for me. Constantly and randomly changes buffs which have already been applied.

Random buffs here to and it changes