Is Forging Broken?

I hit a 350 rank bow with dmg, heavy weight, multi shot with no gums I was laughing so hard. The no gum theory is real! Lol

So Forging is completely BROKEN?

I try forging bomb, tools and weapons and it keeps changing the boon every time.

Even tried it out without the gum and same nonsense;

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I don’t think it’s completely broken, as I was able to forge some stuff yesterday, but it seems to be a reintroduction of a visual glitch there used to be when forging first came out where the buffs would appear wrong until the forging round had completed.

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Yeah. It’s not broken. You just need to completely ignore what you see happening with boons/quirks/defects until you’ve moused over them :stuck_out_tongue:


The day of the update I didn’t have any problems. Was able to forge the new boons with no issues. The day after the update is when it started for me.

Just tried to forge another hammer and was able to. Was a pain but it was possible. When the boon was changing on me the other day it was the bottom boon after I had already gotten two more boons after it, it would change once I started to lvl up the boons.

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What also works is the old ‘skip’ method, go out of the interface of the forge, then back in…

I was able to successfully forge some items that way earlier today!

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Ok, So when it changes your boon then it should be the first one you seen, ?
Want to make sure hahaha Thanks For Info
I’m going to try it out.

So I do get the RNG of the forge but what I was watching in @majorvex video was also happening to me…Complete full bar and the slider hits near the bottom, empty bar or very low and the slider hits the top. I get every once in awhile but the video and what I had happen, its almost all the time. That alone makes the forging “broken” to me. That or its a coin sink.

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forging appears to work, again :smiley:

If you can get in that is!

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