Is this where we post our NMS pics?


WOW!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Those are incredible! :smiley: Great shots, thank you for sharing them!! Do you share your shots anywhere, like Twitter or Reddit? Bet you’d be very popular!


I don’t, but you can save the photos if you ever wish to. :smile:


Thanks!! :slight_smile: If you were ok with it could Tweet these later on sometime with credit to you if you didn’t mind! These are great!

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Go ahead, you can take any of the photos I send out. :smile:


Thanks!! :smiley: I bet people will love these!

Twitter only lets you do four at a time so picked four and made a Tweet… :slight_smile:

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A few more from that pretty one in the last set, plus the ringed one. Both are so lovely. :slight_smile: So set down a base on the first one, which I probably won’t ever come back to, as I mentioned. :rofl: But I should and build, I did get a really good building spot. nms152 nms153 nms154 nms155 nms156 nms157 nms158 nms159 nms160


Time for some more screenshots! :smiley: (I’ll need someone else to post after this, haha)

Edit to add more pics since I can’t post again, and something I seriously want to copy into Boundless I think… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Imagine this in gleam! :grin:

501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509

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Much love for these shots. How are you!?

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Hey!! :smiley: Thanks!! It is so good to see you - how’s it going? I’m kinda sorta hanging in there, lol - but Boundless helps keep my spirits up in life! :grin:

Oh, I’m on PC too with Boundless now!! :grin:

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Some NMS this morning… :smiley:


Time for more NMS shots!


i wanna start a new Paka adventuring save now lol.


Haha! :slight_smile: Yeah, with all the new stuff in NMS, I play it the same as ever - nomad explorer, quickly moving, never staying too long one place, screenshotting off on my own. I sort of view it as less a game than a chillout photography sim to wander and just relax in these days.


Just did a little planet hopping, found a few nice ones. :slight_smile:

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Gee Whiz, I like 'em!

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Some shots from a few pretty planets. :slight_smile: I see some online complain they don’t see rainbows or hardly any, but to me they’re very easy to find - go into photo mode and look around between 6:00 - 7:00 and 16:00 and 17:00. I see them all the time.

But first - be sure to watch this video starting at 45:00. :rofl:

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How do you get the rainbow in those shots, is it planet based?! It’s gorgeous


Thanks!! :slight_smile: I mostly hit the lush/temperate/tropical types, but from other shots I’ve seen they’re on other types as well and I found the trick to it - go into photo mode, go up in the air with the camera, and look around between 6:00 - 7:00 and 16:00 and 17:00. :smiley:


Great system, so named everything after Boundless! :grin: Claimed a base on the purple planet. Named another star Boundless there as you can see… might do this more with the planets too. :wink: