Issue with "griefing" in my city

So i recently had a shop owners beacons run out and i reclaimed all but 1 plot i missed and set it aside till i got materials to fix the giant hole in my sky mall. Since then someone came and placed a beacon, Portal, and shelf’s (I would Highly assume with the assumption of Thinking the whole town was going away to steal all the loot)… So now i have an empty hole in my mall that leads to death… I have placed a sign for a week now and no response on the user removing his beacon and stuff, I have also submitted 2 in game reports for the issue as well. Can Literally nothing be done about this? Per COC this sorta skims the lines of griefing since i can no longer re finish the structure of my City and his intent is pretty clear here… Anything i can do about this? Or do i literally have to restart Everything cause this one beacon.

This doesn’t really skim the CoC. Put a hand rail and sign around it. If the plot holder does not cooperate with repairs or tries to extort you for the plot, ignore them. You’re not blocking access to their plots, you’re not plot blocking them since the surrounding plots are pre-existing, and they are not going to get any support if they attempt to lean on the CoC to squeeze you for coin or space. The best way to defeat trolls is to ignore them.


Make a rail/fence around it and move on, or move your entire settlement. It could disappear in roughly a month anyway.

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RP it and make it a feature . Put some mosaic tiles next to it with some broken down bricks and a sign saying its an ongoing ancient oort archological site


I understand how this can be annoying, however personally I feel it is these unexpected situations that make this game interesting.

Personally if it were me I’d go full Trump and build a wall…?

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What you cannot do without running into the coc is block a players access to their own plots. Surrounding this plot with walls would probably be considered blocking access.

I would think 1 block high would be okay, no? It helps people from falling to their death and the person can just jump up a block.


One block high would not be construed as blocking access in the current state on that plot. It would be a safety barrier of sorts.

Could chisel it to look like a railing.

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Just use the new beams and posts, make a beautiful gleam railing :smiley:


Sure these are all options. But the big picture is being missed here. I know Many people who have just outright quit the game due to issues like this or for say someone connecting themselves to your settlement to overthrow Lead and make changes. There is literally a whole city of people who just quit over this.

This is Griefing by definition- to trouble, cause problems, or otherwise harass(Sure Not Boundless definition of greifing). The game itself is based on Community. I’m not sure placing your beacon in the middle of someones settlement to Plan on stealing their loot if the settlement goes inactive is a Real Community Friendly Environment.

All that being said i love this game i just hate to see stuff like this and even more so that nothing will ever seem to be done about this. There are literally posts for years and even Ideas on how to fix these issues that Even mods/devs have agreed would be a great change. But nothing has happened…

This is speculation/conjecture.

No one knows what his intention is for doing this is. And this is why the devs will not punish for this. Maybe he would like to build there at another time. Maybe not. There is no proof of either case here.

And even if his intent was to take over your building if it expired. That too is an valid event that can happen in this game. And is not punishable.

Now I understand that this situation can be annoying for people. But I would assume it is like this because the devs do not want to punish people based off of conjecture where the burden of evidence is not met.

The burden is always typically on the plaintiff (That would be you) and not the defendant (The person being accused of the wrong doing)


This is why we need private worlds.



Lets be real we know this players intent we have seen this time and time again. Saying he may want to take this plot to build in this location is absurd… Its 1 plot, 30 plots high in the middle of nowhere. If i removed my whole Base he would remove his beacon as soon as he saw my base was gone. There is no reason that we need to Show Pitty for someone doing this. They didn’t spend the days upon days of building this City. They are roaming the worlds looking for settlements that are about to expire and placing beacons with portals back to their base. But in this Situation they are causing me the ability to no longer complete my town Which is preventing me from expanding. So much for “The golden rule in Boundless is: Be considerate.” Or does it mean be considerate to the people trying to steal all your hard work and causing you annoyances and headaches.


Again, Conjecture.

It isn’t about showing pitty, It is about the devs upholding the rule set that they have defined in such a way so they can try to avoid punishing innocent players, They seem to want to err on the side of letting a few „Guilty“ players get by then mistakenly punishing an „Innocent“ player. Therefore unless you can prove to the devs beyond reasonable doubt that what this player is indeed doing should be punished. I do not think they are going to act on it.

Report it and make your case. That is the best and only thing you can do at this time. But when and if they don’t do anything about it. You may have to live with the situation and find some way to make it work.

Again I understand its annoying. But I also understand the reason the devs may seem like they are being passive about it.


Besides being off topic here, private worlds would not solve these issues in the main worlds.


Topic is about possible grief. Providing a solution for many here by giving a suggestion. Not offtopic in my opinion but I guess I am wrong.

It is a solution for the „few“ actually, not the many I feel. not everybody can get private worlds so therefore not everybody can deploy or use this solution.

It doesn’t solve it. It runs from it and leaves everyone on the public servers to deal with it. That’s not a solution, it’s running away.


By design I feel. For the reasons before mentioned.

Unfortunately that is not how it works in this game. And unless you can convince the devs otherwise. It will never work that way. Just because it used to be his doesn’t mean it is now. If you had you way, then everybody could make cases claiming stuff for things that expired or what have you for many reasons. The rules of the game were clearly defined. It expires, Someone else plots it, it is no longer yours. Harsh? Maybe. but that is how it works.

I talk about the fact that We have No Idea what the claimer haves plans for as we can not prove anything.


It is 1 plot in the middle of his entire place, which his guest he lent it out for, let it decay. Op also said he plotted most plots back but couldn’t plot all back. This is what is fundamentally wrong with this game. Great possibilities, lots of it ruined because people cannot plot enough or not prove grief.