It's beginning to look a lot like Oortmas... 2020 event starts next week!

Thanks for reporting. Please let me know if you’re still struggling to get them to spawn on the Sovereigns!

Will flag to the team in the meantime :blush:


Actually, I think we’re ok - @Rydralain figured it out, you have to enter on foot to get it to work! :smiley:

… In a way, it is pretty helpful - people won’t set them off just by entering the platforms or opening a portal. Just have to go to one then head towards the nearest. I’ll update the planet thread to show how to get it to work. :slight_smile:

Thanks!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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Paka, how many canes per meteor? Is it just one?

Only one on my first one, BUT if like last time they can drop more! :slight_smile:

Now that I know how to get them to spawn, I’ll just be doing laps around my sovereign like a roadrunner to get what I can. :laughing:


Correction - must have misread on the first or something, as I just completed my 2nd, also a lv 1, and see I now have 13 red canes in my inventory. :grin:

Definitely trick with these, if alone, is to go slow on the fighting!


I just soloed my first level 1 and got 7!


Just got four off #3! :smiley: Interesting note - I paid attention and it def DID say 1 cane but had four in the inventory after. :slight_smile:

And a screenshot of it coming down! :grin: :+1:


Pro tip… If you on pc you can bind your left and right hand action Keys To mwheelup and mwheeldown. = machine gun snowballs

And its the same bug that appears with oorstone… It May show 2 but you actually got more

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Thanks, will have to try that, haha! And yep, odd - though last one showed correctly, showed and got four! :slight_smile:

I’m doing a lot better with this, this time - dual wielding, speed brews, and hiding to let the meter decrease. :smiley:

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Does anyone have advice on how to find snow meteors? I’ve only found 2 so far, ones that I saw falling. Sometimes I find snowy areas but haven’t found meteors in them yet.

they trigger when you enter a region center… as long as someone else has not triggered it recently


Oh that’s it. A meteor had already spawned in all the regions I went to, except two. And now when I go back to those regions no more meteors will ever spawn.
I will have to go to new regions where no one has gone before.

It resets after a few hours.


Ok, I tested this enough now that I THINK this is the case, but not certain, curious what the observations you all have are… appears that biome type impacts the spawn rate of the hat mobs?

Caught onto it and started testing it and it seems that being in a wintery biome really increases the spawn odds. On my planet Stardrop Valley, on pure Ice Crack biome, I seemed to be running about 20-25% hat spawns. In another area, where ice and Snowy Redwoods merged, it was like maybe 30-40% if I had to guess there. Each of the times I returned to a saved spot there after testing other worlds, I warped into a pack of hat mobs.

To control, I tested other high level worlds, a few of my own, and the Rift exo. In areas that were temperate, spawn rate seemed comparable to Oortmas Land and Gyosha - pretty low, 5% or maybe lower. Could go awhile without seeing one.

IF this is the case here, well, know what I’m going to do… :wink: (Prob a T3 or 4 set up with easier snow and ice ones to run around)

A few festive Oortmas pics from the testing! :grin:


I assumed everyone builds little crow’s nest towers like I do when soloing. I’ll take a screenshot when I get back to it. Planning to explore all the T1’s with my Mandaloortian alt so I’ll be leaving quite a few of them behind.

It definitely makes it less of a thrill but I completed a level 3 solo which never would have happened otherwise.

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They call him a tactical mastermind on Mandaloort :sunglasses:




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