James can you get in touch with me

Oh woah, you pinged them! Oh I’m sure that’s going to work! They’re definitely going to answer you, since nobody thought of doing that in the past 12 months! :sweat_smile:

Mh. Where are my anti-sarcasm pills, must’ve forgotten to take them this morning.


If it’s support issue just PM them.

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It seems James got in contact with @beneleji
And is currently looking at the case

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Must have been via email or something?


Not sure @beneleji was this via email?

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I sent social media message


On Twitter? Bold move. I’d be curious to know what comes of it, then.

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Nothing :frowning:

Oh? Really? James didn’t reply?

Uh. Well, that’s surprising. I mean, up until now, he’s been so forthcoming when people tried to get in touch with-

Ok imma drop the sarcasm. People around here who have spent years and thousands of dollars on Boundless can’t get a reply from James either. How can you think you’d manage to get an update on development from James when everyone else has failed to do so in the past year? :sweat_smile:

The ONLY thing we can do is enjoy what’s there while it last. If you have issues with other players in-game, you’ll have to handle these issues by yourself, because devs aren’t going to come to help.


Mmmm that’s the only time I get a reply they still come help with issues but are truly solid cold on anything about the update or moving forward so that true on the 1st paragraph Boop (^-^) :cookie:

Yes, because they don’t want to admit that development of the update is on stand-by, that would be confirmation for some players that it’s time to move on once and for all, so they instead keep us in this supposed state of ignorance.

Even in terms of support issue, the weather is acting up again, because the issue has not been “fixed” but postponed, and no dev has said anything since late March.

Tbh pretty sure if someone told them all the servers were down atm they wouldn’t get a reply

No replies as per usual … but still lurking…

Didn’t they quietly restart the servers for the weather thing recently, though?

It’s like the New Testament of the Boundless universe. The gods are still here, they still influence things, but they don’t descent among the mortals and deliver floods or commandments or plagues. Only the subtle influences of the spirits of the gods.


Yeah, very subtle influence. Restarting the servers is just pushing the can further down the road, but not removing it.

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The thing is, the weather issue is coming faster now this just means it needs a proper maintenance
Or else they will have to restart the servers every other day if this keeps going


Time to reset the servers :wink:


It’s been awhile since he’s been in game as well unfortunately. :cry: At least he has gleam club. :rofl:


Yell that around on Tana and you got a nice game that a specific someone is happy to play with you…

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James works in mysterious ways.