June Gleambow Racing Event is Coming!

Anyone going to get together for a full set of the statues this time? I keep missing out…


@Samski let me know if you still want a set. I did a mass craft after last event… since I ran daily hunts… almost every single day during the last event. I still have plenty statues left over.


Yay! Just rolled my Gleambow Event planet… tried to keep it as flat as possible :smiley:


Can it hold 40 people? Wonder if we could get that many in one hunt…


Yes, I got the big one since it’s a one-time use planet for the event. 40 people will fit. :heartpulse:


How many players are needed to get the largest Gleambow meteors to spawn?

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I think we had Core 6 meteors last year with 18… maybe a few less. Just have to hit the region together-ish.


I believe 15 is all you need for T6.

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This was from a post a long time ago that I usually reference. So with this chart with 15+ players you can still have e 30% chance for a level 6 at 20+ players you get level 6. Not 100% sure if thats guaranteed as I remember getting some T5s with 30 people.

1 player → level 1
2 players → level 2
~7 players → level 3
~10 players → level 4
~15 players → level 5
~20 players → level 6

Either way hope it helps.

It is a bit random As I know when prepping a planet i get 1’s and 2’s and have see 6’s in the mid teens


I’m seriously going to be playing all the time during the gleambow event. I still have a bunch of gleambow totems, trophies, and gleambow sacs from 2020.


Double post since they removed editing. But maybe getting all the gleam and glass will help jumpstart the time when I’m going to be rebuilding my old gleam store in the Stormview marketplace.

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Yea this is that 30% chance to spawn others … dunno how it changes. I do know when I was doing some hunts recently, I had 18 ppl and was only getting T5’s and T6’s.

Just adding to the discussion some

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Yeah, so not so flat… but no knee knocker hills :smiley:


Okay so I rerolled… which means that there are at least two T3 lush sov planets available for Gleambow Racing. :smiley:
Gothira is for those with mad skills and want mountain terrain.
Yalos I is set up for the event now too, moderately flat with some trees. Nothing too cumbersome.
Gothira Portal is off Biitula; Path is from Sorissi Chic’s Bricks; Biitula Spooktacular Farm shop.
Yalos I Portal is off Gloviathosa; so Dragon Hub to Glov portal.



Yalos isn’t open, no permissions for world appears at the portal. Is this intentional and only open for certain hunts?

I locked it last night before bed; unlocking now. Wanted to prepare to get time on the timer.


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