Of course, I’ll be playing other games like Little Big Planet 3 (loved lbp2), the last of us, Assassins Creed syndicate and I’ll be trying Destiny aswell. But tbh, Boundless was what made me go “fml, I’ll just buy it” even tough I have the game on PC and I can’t wait for the release in 2016!
I might not have sounded like that but that wasn’t a: “Why u changing system? PC master race !!!111!!1”^^
But I think there are games you can better play on a console and some you can play better on a PC or rather with a keyboard instead of a controller.
For example, how do you chat on the console? Extra, keyboard for the PS4?^^
And you can save a lot money (~300€ for my current rig) if you buy all the parts at the cheapest seller and reuse the DvD drive, Hard drive, power supply, etc. from your old PC.
I wouldn’t reccomend using older power supplies, though. They can sometimes fail, often resulting in all of the components being destroyed. Getting a brand new one with each build is the wisest course of action.