isn’t that what these game forums are for…eat with one hand and scroll through the latest drama with the other (plus straw for drink)
@catfud you just push it further away (under the desk) from you to lessen the angle. No raised desk. My home desk has a wall behind it and it still works. My elliptical also does smaller revolutions
I want to jump/bounce from some kind of really tall bungee thingie while I play on PS4!
They make a controller for disabled people which you can connect homemade switches to you can connect it to the bike our other equipment things like lifting ten pound bag gives signal to open inv our fot mining connect it to a metal block en the other wire to a heavy metal hammer so each hit you make on the metal block does one hit in-game I’m electric guy so I can help ya with the technical part
for bike connection I suggest Reed contacts
Love this idea. Great stuff, OP
I lift “weights”… my coffee mug and time to time cookies
I sit and eat Oreos topped with canned cheese…while dipping them in half and half.
bike finally arrived yesterday and after 30 mins putting it together I was successfully navigating the latest exoworld whilst burning some calories
will be buying an actual real bike soon (ie. when warmer and less wet) as some great off-road paths with lovely views near my new locale
This is my bike
Is that how you turned into a green dragon?
This would be so awesome
(For around 10 mins until the novelty wore off and my arm screamed in agony )
I fortunately have an active job, so I do get plenty of excercise on those days. My days off are most often spent at home parked in front of the PC playing Boundless but I do get out and take a long walk each day due to my very own pair of personal motivators who never fail to very vocally remind me when it’s time for some exercise.
To make things even easier I am blessed to have this as my backyard, literally 200 metres away from my doorstep
Just starting out huh? I lift my half a litre Monster energy drink… That’s half a kilogram!
thats some beautiful scenery and very beautiful companions!
So beautiful… And similar here, I’m lucky to live in an outdoors paradise with beautiful places to get out to, hike and all…
(Last pic just down the street from me, the river I live on!)
Wow, that really is some beautiful terrain indeed!! I am impressed.
I’m feeling a little out done here now!!! But guess what’ I have a mountain too This is the traffic problem I face on my way to work.
They are indeed the 2 best idiots, oops I mean friends, that a man can have!
Omg @wakeNbake & @bucfanpaka I wish I lived somewhere with even a fraction of that kind of beauty!
The Yorkshire countryside is glorious, but it’s a little drive away
Thanks @wakeNbake and @Trickyy90 !! I put a ton more pics in this OT thread… I’m not great at it but I’m really big on photography around here, hard to mess up TOO badly with this scenery!
I do miss the beaches of where I grew up, so love your shots so much too!!
Oh yeah, the off topic section, I forget that even exists sometimes! lol
yorkshire is a fantastic place…my grandparents used to live in Helmsley and loved walking knee deep in snow and eating salted porridge
@bucfanpaka that is a pretty stunning place to live…is that you fishing in the distance…