Im mostly curious on how it look in diffrent countries but it could be fun too. Well here is a pic of mine, just the view outside my window
Here in switzerland it just snowed again… last week it was 20°C and more and now we have -2°C…
aaaand i dont have that much nature outside my window
In Sweden yester it snowed also yester day its spring. We got more snow in a day then we got in a winter day
Not where I live^^ We have sunshine and it looks like it’ll get quite warm^^ Although it snowed about 5 minutes yesterday xD
Finally a fellow swiss person btw^^
Grüezi grüezi
Canada!!! snowy a little more than half the year and than lush green bear infested forests the rest(at least in north Alberta where i am).
Well, since this is in the OT area a bump shouldn’t bother anyone I guess… Browsing through and can’t help replying to this one, since I love taking pics around here. This is what it looks like here, in the mountains of Western NC-
I wish i could be there and see all this beuty my self
LIES!!! No one actually lives in an area that pretty right!?
… I could actually have added a lot more.
I fell in love with this area when I was quite young, but was only able to finally move here six years ago. Many of us from FL seem to have gotten that idea, lot of folks from elsewhere who have decided they’re just going to stay here in WNC. Great place to visit if any of you get the chance, lot of stuff to do here, especially if you’re into the outdoors.
It is on my vacation list! I am from Texas and I would love to see NC.
Ohmigawd these are BEAUTIFUL pictures!
Makes me reeeeally miss camping in glacier national park in Montana.
Moar pleaze!
Thanks!! Appreciate it!
This next group, I’ll throw in a few from Chimney Rock, that is a bit further out from me, but if there are any here interested in visiting the area, it is good to know about, great place, though the area has been hit hard by both fire and floods and recent years.
Will also add some snow shots - snow is actually pretty rare in the lower elevations here, just got one real one this last season. So we tend to look forward to it around here - it is so pretty! A couple of these are scenes from the last group, to show the difference.
Also, a couple wildlife shots taken right out my bedroom window.
I’ll bump this with some shots of things I’m hoping to see upcoming - nice leaves in the Fall, and snow in the Winter.
The fall shots are from 2015, what I think was our last good leaf season. Last few have kind of been duds. Too much rain early on. Need some dry weather and a good cold snap or two. Husband’s work slowing down so even though we can’t hike like we used to because of his back right now, plenty still to see with just driving and easy walks which we can do on free weekends (though weekends during leaf season can be CROWDED in popular places like up on the Blue Ridge Parkway). If it is a good one, hope to spam more pics!
These birds in the snow shots are all just right out the bedroom window also. Really enjoy the snow, as it is rare here - just hope we don’t get repeatedly teased this winter like last, where snow chances fizzled out into rain. Anyways, snow hits, we dump BAGS of seed for them then I station myself at the window.
Oh, the shots with people in the river in my first post here and this one, that is right down the street from me. Though in retrospect getting a house on the river isn’t something I think I’d do again, pretty as it is - just too much stress when there is any flood threat.
My house and car a couple of winters ago.
I don’t complain about the snow in-game. It is nothing to me.
Yowza… I like the snow, but not quite THAT much snow!!
A few shots from up high on the Blue Ridge Parkway Saturday. Drive was kind of a dud overall, got into bad fog/cloud and rain after taking these, and not much color yet, even up high. Hopefully some better chances in a few weeks here.
Protip: Want to take in the beauty of the Fall leaves here? Do NOT come on a weekend if you can at all avoid it, in October. Really. Give you an idea of the crowds, three different places to eat we tried we couldn’t even park. And good luck with some of the popular scenic spots.
More jealous than you can possibly imagine!