Kranut seed loss

Wow thanks man u really went out of your way …I appreciate it heaps

Hope it helps, if not let me know.

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Well i harvested 799 plants at 110 percent seed and 40 percent drop… I got 59 seeds left after replanting. In theory I should of got 80 seed but more if i got farming epic and max luck and attributes and everything farming …I got 406 crop wich is about right if at 40 percent. Agian thought u get more if farm spec…

Yeah man every bit helps

I think the farming epic only gives 20% bonus to crops, pretty sure it does nothing for seeds. I am not sure about max luck and such though.

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Hey thanks for the tour…aweso.e farm…I will change my farm and not focus on seed so much…I dislike harassing dev. When they can be busy programming instead of my problems…should be sweet. But alot of remodeling

my pleasure… I am sure others have better / more efficient layouts, but it works for what I need.

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