Hey everyone! I just wanted to send a formal invitation to everyone to come along on our Marathon Hunt that we will be having coming up on 2021-08-06T11:00:00Z → 2021-08-06T21:00:00Z
We are getting together to celebrate one of our Leaders and my partner in crime @kemyobra for his birthday with just some good ole fashion hunting.
Come along if you wish, it will be nothing fancy. We will have our Raffle after every Hunt Segment . 5 separate hunts, with a 15 minute break in between.
Will throw some updates in as we get closer as needed.
Feel Free to Join our Discord and chat with us as we lead up to it =)
Its fun to hunt with @CaptAmerica1611 and like @Spoodle Said a hunt needs falling meteors
I ll do hunts in small groups too and Most Important is many meteors to Fight then you have a successful hunt even with a small group where you can get 300 or 400 oort depending which Tier you re hunting.
We are less than 24hrs away now from the start of this Marathon.
Looking forward to the event and spending time with friends on the hunts.
We will be running a few T3 planet, T5, T6 so little mix of everything.
We have 5 Sets of prizes to raffle off after every hunt segment which range from gem bows, to lucent bows, to grapples and blink bombs!