KREE MALL- (Give me your feedback)

He’s a lovely person indeed

Yes so they still can be like yeah this is my shop and such

Thanks brother :heart:

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Yeah agree for sure

What do you think of the design? Hahah no ones commented on how the mall would look or feel hahaha - I’m only asking cause it’s gonna be a beast to build.

I like it feels like both a real mall and has air of elegance

I like the idea

It’s been tried, not enough people are willing to trust even a well known community member like me when I tried on a small scale, but one day it will succeed :wink:

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nah it wont no matter how trustworthy you are maybe good friends or those you talk to daily would
but i don’t see this become a thing really nowhere never doesn’t matter what game maybe 20 years ago trust was not a problem but in this generation it is, no matter how kind one could be even after a couple a years he or she could F#K you over and one person is not the other
@kemyobra as much as i LOVE this idea and having it tried seen being tried and wish you luck on that part but i doubt it will work out the way you want it to be.

overall good luck bud!


Maybe let them plot them

I think it’s a great idea! Especially for new players or anyone who wants a store, but not the hassle of planning/building the structure.


I would build it to have Fun if it do good or not at least you had fun building it boop


Really want to be supportive, new ideas in Boundless are rare.

However, this isn’t a great idea. The only person this idea benefits is the mall owner.
All footfall and full item access for the mall owner, nothing stopping them from skimming off the top. Unless you plan on doing actively tracked inventory.

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Looks nice no doubt. I like the concept as we are taking over a store at DK and I just have to be in the mood to build it, so this would be nice if I just wanted to sell stuff.

Putting the trust/control thing aside, it seems like this would be beast for you to manage daily if it were to be populated and turning around stock. Changes or fixing issues, restocking etc. would be dependent on you and your delegates being available no? It seems like the Boundless systems needs a few more tools to make this a feasible reality. How do you wheel inventory… hand trade or zero cost baskets?

So the owner of the shop would have access to the stands and the baskets so they can put their own stuff up for sale. The owner would have control over pricing, stocking and collecting profits.


Yeah trust seems to be a big issue with this idea- people need to relax and give something new a chance.

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I trust you buddy, I would give you permissions of my base without problem.

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Same I actually did it

It’s been decided then- the mall at this point will be for guildies and friends only then.

Thanks for all the feedback people, it’s good to get other peoples viewpoints and concerns before embarking on a massive build like this.

Or people who want to do it? Like you just make say 10 extra shops and add a capability so you can add more shops

Ok, thank you… that makes sense. I missed that earlier somehow. When looked at it the first time it felt like the owner would have none of these controls. I was also busying nose diving into lava and the core of a t7 over and over so I may of split my attention too far. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :grin:

That seems feasible then. Id be interested.