KREE MALL- (Give me your feedback)

I’ll get building the mall, and post when it’s completed. Look forward to having anyone Support that wants to. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

In the meantime, if anyone wants to connect to our new guild hub hit up @CaptAmerica1611 for a portal spot.

Nowadays i dont know exact number. Cause i dont rly use malls anymore… Thats cause they are just big clusterf For me. I prefer little shops.

Oldest Active one and i would say it was the first mall is Gyosha Mall no doubt.

We had Pretty good “kiosk” thing going on In EA… If someone remember ynys affallon In Berlyn.

I really miss those days.

Note:Fuels were much pricier back Then… Even around 10k each… There was no gleam club.

One of my first shops was in the Golden Mooglies shopstands on Eresho acessible to me to fill and gather coin via advanced locks. It worked great :smiley:

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Nice- well mall is underway and it’s starting to take shape yay.
I’ll update this post when it’s closer to the grand opening.


About the design… It looks a bit cold and uninviting. Each shop should have it’s own style and feel as to what is going on with it (as much as you can do in this game). Otherwise it is just a big box store - Target, K-Mart, etc. And you are really not giving most shop owners a reason to put stuff in there because everyplace looks exactly alike with nothing to draw people in, even if it’s just cool chisel art or something. Plus, as others have pointed out, there are (and have been) so many malls that try to re-invent the wheel when there is really not enough population to fully support the handful that are successful. I like you have vision and hope it works out, though.

Brown Town Mall is an outlier with it’s success. The fact that you and Beth are great and most people really like you has helped a lot. Add in the popularity of the hunts and the flow of people through there to start with and it took off. I am glad it has been successful and it makes me happy that there seems to be somebody there every time I run through it. That said, a lot of other malls have popped up and I have checked them out but rarely see anybody in them. It’s safe to say that at the moment there are more malls than population to support them. As builds most are really nice so I hope they were built for the joy of building them and not feeling that they needed to really be a going concern.