World full. This becomes annoying to fast

is that steam players?

if yes then it is higher with PS4


japp, sorry, only steam that I can see of cause

Hey at least the game seems to be off to a good start, but the developers might have a new priority.

I know I am not going to be happy if I cannot get to the builds I am helping with or especially back to my own home world.


japp. This will especially hit all the worlds with big cities, which is kinda unlucky cuz they encourage the gamers to “join together to build a big town or city”. Feels like shooting into the own foot ^^

Cephonex is another Lamblis

Got that tonight on Lamblis (my base) and Sochaltin (the alt’s base I was going to head for (for storage) instead). Irritating, hope this can be upped as to suddenly not be able to go “home” is a pretty big dent in play experience.


Players get priority returning to their home world.


I can’t get on my home world though

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There were queues at portals often tonight. Fingers crossed the fix is soon.


“Lines.” The word is “lines!”


in some parts of the world they call lines queues :smiley:

But yes, Lamblis being full all day is quite annoying. I had to go the “long way” around just to get to the tier 5-6 worlds this afternoon.

Lucky you. I have a possible choice of Aqua Hub or Lamblis if I want to get out of my planet :stuck_out_tongue:
Guess what? Queues.

i live on Beckon, so Portal Seekers is generally my way around, however i noticed that the Ultima hub has a direct portal to most of the planets, so they may be getting my “footfall”. At least until Lamblis quits being so popular…

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I’ll tell you what’s annoying, I can’t even go to lamblis ever… and I have 1gb/down, 1gb/up fiber internet. The lag is horrendous. A couple of times I was stuck in the main portal hub area for like 15 minutes just trying to get into a portal to go home, but kept rubber banding all over the place. Extremely angering.

I don’t find it “extremely angering” (I’ll save that for stuff happening in rl) but it is quite frustrating…hope they’ll fix it soon, as stated.

Finata was also “world full” with 50-ish players on it just now O.o

I know I’m in the minority, but I’m happy the game is so popular that the worlds are filling up. At this very moment is the busiest I’ve ever seen the game so far. :slight_smile:

I had to wait upwards of a minute or two to get to some planets… but c’mon, a minute or two is nothing.

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Unless you are running from a cuttle and then it is bad


OK now Finata is “full” with 45 people…planet bugged?