Latency near farm plants, stuttering appears since last patch

Hey there,

since the last update I have started to experience an occasional stuttering in my build. It is ofc possible that its just normal lag or the increased overall build complexity (seen no warnings yet though). I do have a feeling though that it comes from the farm, since it seems to appear with proximity to my farm. Its nothing game breaking or anything and maybe just a latency issue.
Since it coincides with the last patch I thought it best to at least inform you about it.

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I notice this as well in my place. One spot on my farm and another underground in my base close to my pigment machine/coils

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I noticed the same thing. but it was on a hill in nature. beaconed, but almost nothing built yet. large base with farms and storage works as before. I assumed it was the base loading in the distance from low to high detail. didn’t happen before

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Thank you @Venom, @Apt that is reassuring I already saw myself migrating to Kol Huroo because my build got too big for a US->EU connection ^^’

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could be a big build loading in the distance.
just replicated it on another side of my base, roughly same distance, fps went from 45-59 to 28-35, after a while went back to 45-59

I also have a big build right behind me that could be causing the issue

Hmm that is less reassuring lol. I have increased my builds size but before the last patch I did not have any stuttering, it is pretty constant when I walk up and down in the middle of my build and becomes worse when I near the farm.

edit: Guess I ll better pack my bags and prepare the regen bombs :3


I would wait, im sure its something they can look into and potentially fix

Edit for clarity: mine usually only happens when interacting with certain storage so we could be having separate issues

lowering object and foliage details doesn’t seem to affect it. I have always had similar frame rate drops in places like Ultima city (new and old), but lowering object detail always made a difference.

No worries I ll definetly wait for a response before I take any action, my 4th build is turning out pretty well so far.
I am on PS4 but Pro edition (a normal ps player would have worse stuttering) and its not a connection issue at least not the kind you see in the upper right as warning.

edit: oh yeah reminds me of Tana VII -> Legendville, but there is a block lag which is different from my case as I have a stutter not a lag.

It might be helpful to give a location and go into the debug (if you are PC or get PC friend to) and check the mesh count for that chunk. As chunks in an area approach max mesh it can start to cause performance issues. That is at least what I was told when I talked about raising the mesh limit in a thread.

Oh thats easy we are the Capital of Houchus I, but I do not think its the mesh count. I do build very airy, theres a good amount of space inbetween my buildings. Something started eating cpu cycles since the last patch and I have a feeling its in the algorithm of the farm plants.

As I stated nothing game breaking, but it would be sad if this was actually the “settlement size” limit of this game. (Its not big)

We have noticed this also on gyosha. Like the game has the hiccups.

If you can track down a particular location or event or action that caused this it would really help.

Yeah sure, but I cant offer much its just “stuttery” now sometimes and it might still be connection issues, servers or complexity after all (EU->US is not the best for connections).

Heres where I get the biggest stutter spike: Houchus I -1,217N, -1,352E. It is in the middle of my farm with a lot of fully matured plants, which I keep for decorative purposes (and as storage). No specific action, but the spike appears when the area loads, inside the area its most apparent but it does down over time.
It randomly appears when walking up and down the build but yesterday it was easy to trigger it by going from the left side of the hangar to the right (inside the mountain hangar), which is towards and aways from the farm area.

Though I did finish to hammer a hangar into a nearby mountain side which is empty since I have not continued the building after the patch.

I have my regen bombs ready sir, do not waste to much time on my trivial game stutters please :3

I have also send you guys a gamelog at a spike just now @james

James, spamming craft for brick mixture and marble causes pretty bad stutter. The spark count especially goes nuts, it jumps up and down as the server tries to catch up. 10+ seconds after i finished crafting my spark was still catching up on the machine (mixer) display

In our dome on gyosha for me (on ps4) everything is fine until I run into the farm area and it loads. After that the whole dome area stutters for me no matter where I go. Once I leave though it usually stops

Similar to my case (ps4 pro) though it sometimes follows me around o_o

So it has to do with the direction i’m looking @. When i look toward my farms its like im looking from very far away (PS4) while im hugging the walls. After a few seconds it clears up.