Leaving Boundless

Poor Comms, No transparency, and a project outside of boundless

Will eventually return but will let everything be reclaimed in favor of one large city.


New phone who dis?

(Joking, of course)


You do not need any of those things for a game to be enjoyable. Just sayin’ :slight_smile:


The project is mine. And poor transpareny with lots and LOTS of bugs that turn the game off for me.

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Tbh, they don’t have to communicate with us at ALL


as the MMO part is out of our hands entirely (and game unplayable without it), would be nice to know (or be able to find out quicky if visiting forums for the 1st time, for example) if there’s a shut down date on the horizon, or if it will be running for as long as some people play.

damn this limbo between uncertainty and sweet sweet sinlge player mode :smiley:


And another one bites the dust and still no communication from @james about the state of the game. Are you guys done with Boundless? Is 249 ever releasing? Is that the last update? Do you have plans for the game’s future? Your communication is legit awful. All it would take is a quick post but you can’t even be bothered to do that. 15 minutes of your time to quell the worries (or validate them) and put this all behind you.


I ask again, at what frequency do you want canary updates like “No new information, we are still working on it”?

Is it monthly, weekly, daily? Would getting the exact same message every day actually help you feel any better?


@Rydralain Please don’t pretend that this lack of communication we’ve faced over the last 6 months is the same as it’s always been and that what I’m asking for is unreasonable. You literally have a mass exodus of all the long-tenured players right now and you’re arguing over whether or not there’s a problem at all. They need to make ONE, clear post about the future of the game and do so immediately. This isn’t about frequency of communication. This isn’t about cadence. This about the complete lack of transparency and players leaving in droves.


You already got your state of the game 3 months ago. Why do you need another?

At what frequency do you need this?

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You mean the state of the game that said 249 was a week or two out? Cool story, bro.

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State of the game 6 months ago:

State of the game 3 months ago:

Do you have any actual tangible evidence that anything about Boundless, Wonderstruck, or Larian changed in the last 3 months other than people leaving because updates take too long?

At what frequency do you want to be reminded of nothing changing?


It is legit beyond words that you can’t comprehend the difference here. I’m am blown away at your lack of understanding here. Completely, utterly confused. Just nevermind, man. If you think those are state of the game posts then holy sh!t are we on complete opposite ends of a spectrum of understanding.

EDIT: incoming big post from @Rydralain about how the game is fine and this is all fine and I’m just mistaken.


You probably don’t understand me either.

A state of the game, a state of the company, a weekly update, or any of that is nearly completely worthless against the negativity you and people like you bring to the forums, and I don’t think they should waste their time on it.

Even if they do exactly what you are asking, whatever it is you think you are asking for, it will. not. matter. You… you have complained within hours of being given status updates because, as far as I can tell, nothing, and I mean nothing but an actual published update to the game has any meaning to you and a lot of other people.

And even then, the actual content of this coming update is so very small for the current MMO players. It’s absolute crumbs. A skill page revamp, more paint, and some melee weapons? This update is not for us at all.
Hopefully enough single player and server people come into the forums to distract the MMO players until another update comes, because if they don’t then this little update will quell complaints for maybe a few months at most, and depending on what kind of update they decide to go with next, it could be another 6 months to a year before we get something afterward.

Hopefully they choose to make some smaller updates for the MMO crowd, but who knows what their plans are :upside_down_face:

The game itself is fine, but the community wants something more than that. I don’t really get it, but I understand that it is causing the game to bleed players.


Enjoy your project outside of Boundless Lunai! It’s good to take a break every once in a while - I’m currently doing the same.


Lunaiiiiiii Chan

Then actually explain yourself rather than being cryptic and toxic. I explained my stance, what is yours? What would actually help this community?

Here’s my stance:

EDIT: Incoming post from @Rydralain stating that this is all fine

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Sure, yes. The game is bleeding players. What do you believe will fix this?

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Communication and more frequent updates. As I’ve said probably 100 times now.