Len's Huge List:Update 3


I have left many games because they became easy to satisfy those who want to be great at everything with little or no effort and preferably instantly. Games are boring when they cater to that. Back when WoW started I played right on up through raising the level cap to 80. I kept getting my characters up to level cap then deleting them all and starting over since it’s incredibly boring once you are top level. They dumbed the whole game down and made it fast to level with little thought or effort required. I gave away all my level 80 items to a girl with cancer. I gave her my guild too and left never to go back. Similar happened in other games. Plus games went to this arena fighting where new players never play the game but only do the arena as they instantly have top level gear with zero effort. Other people buy top level characters and gear in games. Games then become just a collection of braggarts who never actually did anything to obtain their gear and level they love to show off. Incredibly boring. So far Boundless is great because it is challenging and you have to research and think. If they ever go to making things simple for wide appeal I’ll be gone. Keep it difficult. Don’t ever let one character be a master of everything as then there’s no need for cooperation or planning. So far they have it right. I totally agree with you @Zina !!!


Its true. the core group of niche players you gain by keeping the game hard and somewhat complicated will stick with you far longer than the masses that will come and go under a simpler dumbed down version.


Clever! But I feel like the devs would implement a system to avoid this, like the current system of breaking and placing the same block.

I more than understand the feeling of losing a loved game to devs who don’t listen to the community/ ruin their own game

I partly agree with you there, I do believe that my original idea for characters needs some refining, in which I will edit my post to include my new ideas and thanks for those who helped me.

@V2LenKagamine I agree! I didn’t mean to make it sound like it wasn’t a great feature because I think it would be very useful :slight_smile:

Edit: grammar

don’t re-edit the post. Its a progression of thoughts. It’s neat to see where one thinks of an idea, then either sticks to it, modifies thought based on input and even comes up with new idea to the same solution from a tribal gathering of thoughts.
No one is right or wrong, just a basis of opinions and ideas to tackle certain problems. Some solutions create other problems. It’s all a discovery.


I would do it the Reddit way and add
at the end!

Thing is, those of us who want to have more out of our characters, aren’t just asking for it to be handed to us. We are asking to be able to continue what we are already doing, but with the reward of being able to do even more later on once it’s earned. This isn’t simplifying the game in any way at all but instead expanding what each player would be capable of. Using WoW as an example for why this game should be limited in leveling is kinda laughable. I mean, it’s on its what expansion after 15ish years with lvl 110 being the current level cap and the whole game is focused around combat. Trade skills are only to advance your ability to Raid or PvP.

For some people the leveling experience is one of the most enjoyable parts of a game, for others it’s everything you can do once that journey is over. I quite enjoyed mine but have enjoyed everything I can do at level 50 much more then I did from level 1-40.

For those that enjoy the alt experience, great. I’m glad you do. I have nothing against your play style or the way you enjoy the game. I’m just happy you are enjoying it. But why is it wrong for the rest of us who would enjoy more from only 1 character in the wrong for even asking or insulted by being told we just want everything handed to us?

I’d rather have the difficulty come from the gameplay then what my character is limited by because I don’t enjoy redoing something I’ve already done.

It still takes a decent amount of people to spawn, let alone complete a meteor event.
No one person can run a shop alone and keep it stocked without the help of others.
Coal, ore, and other crafting mats don’t just appear in our inventories for free.

People would still have to play the game in order to advance. Limiting how they do it as restrictively as it currently is needs to be reworked/changed to suit all play styles.Not just one that essentially ignores the restriction by having multiple alts that can end up doing everything anyways.


The thing is you already can be everything in one character. You just can’t be a master of everything all at the same time. You need to plan. With alts you simply switch to the specialty you need at the moment. With just one character you can reset your skill tree once per week and different weeks be different specialties. It’s a choice to be made. Either way you can do everything yourself and never interact with another player in the game. If you love one specialty then you can be like in real life and hire a builder when you need one and purchase whatever you can’t produce yourself. If you can put every skill on one character then there is no purpose in having more than one and anyone that chooses to specialize or have alts is at a disadvantage to those who are masters of everything and progress far faster due to only one character. It also would get very lonely very fast as you would never interact with anyone else as you have no need to buy anything or hire anyone as you can do it all yourself with no need for interaction ever. To me that is simply boring. Thats the problem in many games. You can do everything yourself and never have a need for another person. Boring. So, leave it the way it is and you can do it all with one character but resetting skills every week or month or whatever you like while keeping specialties for the many that prefer being specialists with one, two, or three characters. Put it all together and everyone just has one character and everyone ends up basically the same as in the end everyone has one character that has every skill.


One other thing that has been overlooked in this conversation… Guilds are coming. Within a guild all specialties are available with a little interaction. If your character can do everything then why bother banding together in a guild? Guilds are for cooperation both enabling things like builders and miners being safe with hunters protecting them and in getting expert help in things you are not an expert in as well as large group activities.

Raids? Defeating Titans? Community builds? I always thought that main purpose of guilds is bring subordination in ranks)

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Half of those already suggested, other half simply has no sense. Such as “RGB colors blocks”- you never get such freedom in economic-driven MMO - all we have now has economical and gameplay-wise reasons (You need to visit other worlds, find, gather, or buy from another person). And i can only imagine how hellish this game would starts to look if we had such an option :upside_down_face:

“Death Penalty Adjustments” - You can use special skill to lower this penalty. And you can warp whatever you want from Sanctum. At least research subject before suggest?

“Mastery based on time of tool used” - This game already has fully grown leveling system via skills points. And here you are saying "guys, let’s wipe this nonsense and build Elder Scrolls? I, random guy, from forum can help you with that. Sure, why not? :grimacing: No offense, but this thinking pattern looks presumptuously and absurdly.

Only thing i can agree is question about separated professions, but clearly devs want good, working economic in this game. And for that they need market relations, some kind of “driver”. Looks like devs thinking hard about that right now (can be seen in 187), and what we have now obviously not final version. Maybe they make some adjustments, maybe not.

About water, farming, and “dungeons” (aka end-game content) devs talked many times. Again - research subject first, at least lil’ bit.

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This is where a lot of mmos splinter and it is key to be aware of what your audience is and who sticks around to play the game.


I disagree with you, I suggest instead of having to gather said blocks in the exact color you want you should be able to color blocks to your liking, how would you color them? Maybe with some rare plant found at the bottom of the world, or plants only found on certain planets. Maybe some can only be cultivated in very specific circumstances :upside_down_face:

You can lower the Percentage penalty, but not what tools it effects, having even 15% of 9 hammers is nearly 1 hammer every death, just for carrying a tool. While you can warp wherever you want, it also gives you a free portal back to where you died, like you never even did at all, perhaps you should do some research on what I mean before arguing against it.

I know the game already has said system, I am suggesting an alternative to the community,AKA: The marketing group of the game, That I personally believe is better suited for gathering more people to the community, those who want to master everything with one character, even if they need to grind for days to do so, instead of making a new character. I don’t know if you noticed either, but Skyrim’s ideas seem to have worked quite well, with the game even getting a multiplayer mod in the works, has it not?

Who would you listen to, someone with a good idea, or 2 people with a good idea? Or maybe 100 People with variations on the same idea? A larger sample pool leads to a higher quality content, and the more it is mentioned, the more likely the devs may include that concept. Maybe you should research physiological and marketing content before silently dissing someone’s ideas, instead of coming up with counterpoints against said idea.

P.S. If you ever say “Not to be racist” or “No offence” Your probably going to say something racist/offensive @Inwrd

As for painting blocks, certain blocks have different colored variants that you can retrieve from the different planets. I am sure you know this already but as for anything that can’t be colored via using different stone colors I like the idea.


Destiny 2 is a filthy casuals dream. Wish they improved, instead of degenerating so hard. I played wow, but I only have like two lol 50 chars, one of which is a dk. I just kept doing dungeons to get to get to that level, lol.

I disagree with you, I suggest instead of having to gather said blocks in the exact color you want you should be able to color blocks to your liking, how would you color them? Maybe with some rare plant found at the bottom of the world, or plants only found on certain planets. Maybe some can only be cultivated in very specific circumstances :upside_down_face:

Disagree or not, but read carefully please. You missed the point completely. This is idea is huge overcomplication. And we already have several types/colors for craft all they need to add more and more. No need in such bloating.

You can lower the Percentage penalty, but not what tools it effects, having even 15% of 9 hammers is nearly 1 hammer every death, just for carrying a tool.

You can lower this to 0 and forget about. Easy as that.

While you can warp wherever you want, it also gives you a free portal back to where you died, like you never even did at all, perhaps you should do some research on what I mean before arguing against it.

Really? Wow, didn’t know that, always used magic bus to find my death-place :smiley: And i told you that you can teleport to your campfire and start from there if you want and as you want. For new players your system would be pure hell btw, much better loose 25% (2-3 whatever) of iron hammer vs waste huge ammount of time to find that cave/mine/meteorite/view again. Such things discourages, not the opposite. Even loose of xp is better than this.

I know the game already has said system, I am suggesting an alternative to the community,AKA: The marketing group of the game, That I personally believe is better suited for gathering more people to the community, those who want to master everything with one character, even if they need to grind for days to do so, instead of making a new character.

First, you missed the point again. I can’t speak for devs, but changing whole rpg system in the mid of development clearly doesn’t look very wise. Second you making suggestion which is discussed here already very long. What the point of that? :kissing:

I don’t know if you noticed either, but Skyrim’s ideas seem to have worked quite well, with the game even getting a multiplayer mod in the works, has it not?

Worked quite well in what? In Skyrim? Sure, why not. “Multiplayer mod in the works” changing something? You saying this almost like this mod “in the works” because of leveling style of Skyrim lol. Reverse logic. And read previous paragraph again.

Who would you listen to, someone with a good idea, or 2 people with a good idea? Or maybe 100 People with variations on the same idea? A larger sample pool leads to a higher quality content, and the more it is mentioned, the more likely the devs may include that concept. Maybe you should research physiological and marketing content before silently dissing someone’s ideas, instead of coming up with counterpoints against said idea.

Lol, i’m telling you that your “good ideas” already in plans and devs said this. :grimacing: Farming after 1.0. Titans/end-game too in works. Pick Up Liquids we can see even earlier, i think. In 187 we already have a bucket but only for craft for now. Late again :thinking:

Agree. Core audience i would add to that. Sony’s biggest mistake was listening to every new player and his idea of what he didn’t like. The game had a core meta, and new people would come in and say “this isn’t like my old game so therefore I don’t like it” and try to change it. Like the core meta the game is built on. If new players do not like the build, then its not a game for them. If the complaints are the same as the majority of the existing players, then it should be heard.

Its just like walking into WoW, and saying “I don’t like it that if I want a Tank I have to level it. I rather have my healer here, and if I so choose to have a tank, I wish to make that my tank by completely revamping all my skills, so I vote fix it.” Honestly I would say don’t play it.


The only thing I can suggest with this on top of a larger variety of item effects on weapons and tools is that having more variation of weapons and tools. Nothing says we can’t have the same recipe for a Diamond Hammer that we have now but for one that mines 3 blocks forward instead of 3 horizontal. Same for Emerald Tools.

I would also like additional recipes for tools, such as a Diamond Iron or Diamond Titanium Tool with additional effects. Has similar properties as a normal Diamond Hammer but every once and a while going off a different proc chance than a critical hit would mean it would explode a 3x3x3 block worth of blocks with x2.5 damage.

When it comes to weapons there could be an effect where slingbow projectiles bounce off monsters for less damage. Kind of like the Mutalisk from Starcraft games. Another effect could be with Emerald Slingbows they would actually poison enemies and you would see them visually change color to indicate it while also showing a debuff by its name.

We need this so badly. The more stuff we can have our characters be equipped with the better. The more variety we’ll have, the better the economy will be, and the more reasons for people to continue playing (although we’re going to need actual end game content to maintain that motivation).

I’d definitely want at least a helmet, body armor, and boots for basic equipment armor slots. :slight_smile:

I vaguely remember @james mentioning something about this a year and some change ago. I would totally make myself a hyrdoponic garden above my desert base. :stuck_out_tongue: