Let us repair our gear

I’m curious to what your miner build is like. I am able to put 4 points into vitality on my miner with no issue. Able to take about 3 hits before death depending on the creature.

Well that’s a douchebag thing to say.

my self i would rather see the economy take a massive hit then have the playerbase suffer the way the game is currently set unless you are in a guild with eveyone doing someting to refill community coffers you need to grind to then grind more to then grind some more befor you can do the thing you wanted to do which is also a grind. the thing is yes grinding is a part of any MMO but the key is hideing it you want the player to grind without them relaizeing it or at the varly lest them knowing the grind will be worth the payout.

right now boundless des nether of those and the fact is if one thing like allowing for repairs hurts the economy that bad then it was already on life support to begin with…look at world of warcraft back in vanilla days if you had over 100 gold then you where considered rich by warth of the litch king it was 1K now in battle for azeroth my level 50 char has 6K just form playing but the economy in that game is still alive and well.

the thing with the Dailies tho is they reqiure you to treat boundless like a 2ed job in order to maximize if you miss even 1 day due to IRL stuff or just a unwillingness to play then you are SOL and wont get the max payout cuz they are more “log in streaks” rather then a true Daily

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Sounds like you should spend some time leveling on T3 worlds with basic iron hammers and caves. Collect the ore, melt it down, and process the rock, and collect all the plants along the way.

Not sure how much Desert Sword sells for these days, but I think AOE titanium is only 5k coins.

Aoe titanium was around 3k if i remember correctly when @AeneaGames and @Tyapex were selling forged goods. Not sure if they went up in price now that they both currently aren’t selling goods at a shop.

But they did used to keep up with the demand. Tya needs to start playing more again :sweat_smile:

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You’re welcome?

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When I started getting back into playing the game I did one thing: joined a guild. The content update that sparked my return to the game was the Chrysominter. It actually helped me get out of the “financial” rut that I was in and helped me afford forged hammers on a regular basis. In addition to that, I was able to get Mega Strength and Fast brews along with Persisting Pie. Honestly, you really don’t need that high tier of a forged tool if you’re okay with 2 shotting T6 seams. You can easily do that with the correct brew and tool setup.

Such as buying an already forged tool that has high Action Speed on it. So you can get by with Mega Strength Brews instead of Fast.

When I joined a guild, I was opened up to a plethora of farms, public mines, and information from the guild members which I other wise was cut off from cause I was strictly a solo player. I just simply didn’t realize they existed or were available for the public to use. This game is also garbage for a solo player and I don’t really care if someone disagrees with me on that. It just really isn’t. It’s hard to accomplish anything of any major accomplishment all by yourself but that’s also a completely different topic to discuss.

I don’t know if you’ve been mostly a solo player, but if your current method isn’t working then you might want to change it up. I haven’t regretted joining Cuttlepunks as it’s been a pretty valuable asset to be in.

There’s also multiple malls that sale quirky or defect aoe tools for 3-5k . Well worth their price for low to mid tier farming.

There’s really no excuse for the post. I was in the exact same position, before the chrysominter addition, and what I’ve recommended is exactly how I got back on my feet. If I’d I’d the chrysominter, it would have been quicker.

Now I’m back to being fully self sufficient and have pies brews and tools.on half of my storage alts in case I ever find myself in that position again, where life takes you away from your fun for a few months and you come back to nada.

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I need to take another look at it.

I pretty much dismissed it immediately when I had nothing to sell. (I haven’t been around much lately). Farming just to sell to the barrel didn’t really occur to me.

There’s some tricks to it. After you understand the basic concept of how to optimize your returns from it then it’s looked at completely different. It’s more than just a trash can like other people think it is.


I know that if you do what you need to do, and play the game a knowledgeable player can do as much as they want of the things I do with only a few hours (let’s say less than 20) invested and an actual eye to sustainable play. You can be continuously profitable in 10 minute sessions or 8 hour sessions.

But you have to actually like playing THIS GAME.

Ayyyye the thing about dailies is, they’re daily.

I’m not advocating for or against. OP said he would like to see dailies. There are two types of daily reward in game and also a cumulative weekly.

Anyways no attack intended and Biv is not alone.here. That there are MMOs where things are static and you do just log in a few months later to check out a new instance or DLC with your idle, endgame character.

I’m not interested in a game like that. And there’s a whole “in between”.

For this quote I deleted an entire rant. I thought it was a trash can too.

It’s the steadiest employer in the game right now. It’s full of cases where you make even more money (and end up with even MORE free money and gifts) if you actually explore what you can do with the stuff that most people are just wanting to throw away.

In the end if you’re not enjoying regular time in the game - there’s nothing to be done. I don’t want a game that turns into abandonware after a rush of initial sales, or constantly tries to shovel in paid DLC. And that’s without trying to say either of us is generally right or wrong, they’re just two markets.

People hate this question but, what if you could just throw down a fiver, get a stack of pies and a couple axes or hammers or whatever when there’s something you’re interested in, and go to town - would that business model suit?


I missed this bit.

Allowing for repairs changes the economy, it wouldn’t necessarily hurt it, that’s a balancing issue and I’d love a permanent AoE hammer.

The reason that it’s distraction from the issue obliquely expressed in this thread and past threads is because you would still have to DO SOMETHING to repair the tool.

Someone that doesn’t care to acquire readily available tools in a consumable tool economy isn’t going to enjoy repairing repairable tools in a repairable tool economy. The two activities simply shift the same grind to a different point in the tool’s life cycle.

It is fixed. Whole new system. I used to get about a total of 2-3k between 4 locations in a week, I get an average of 1.5k a day between 2 locations now. The catch? I have to log on daily to collect or I miss potential foot fall coins for people revisiting. That is about 10k coin a week just from my plots existing, and I don’t hold plots near portal networks, rather I have several portals that lead to my plots. I sell about 4 or 5 items often, that I gather with silver/titanium regular tools. I make another 5-6k per hour of farming time between those items (I spend 20min on 2 items, 15min on another, and 25min on the other 2, thats with travel times!). Honestly the economy is moving quite well, I have been mostly buying my oortstone/shards to keep my portals up each week, and at least breaking even, if not coming out ahead (and I always will come out ahead when I have the time to join a hunt or two in a week).

It pays well if you take the advice of the people who have done the research. Farming up growth with high luck and gatherer epic so you get the shimmering orbs too is very profitable. You can afford a decent aoe shovel with 4-6k coins (for that startup I will highlight below how I’d do it). Once you have the shovel, going to one of the safe public farms with world regen bombs (I assume you either already have these or could make some, they are very cheap to make and I’ve seen them for as little as 500c in stores). You dig up whats there and regen it, then repeat, super boring, and I hate it. but I’ve gone for 45min once, got a few stacks of growth and 200-300 shimmering orbs. The orbs have baskets buying at 30c+ each so that alone pays off your tools, plus a little extra (your tool isn’t normally broken in the 45min either, with pies and dura epic you should get close to 1.5ish hours out of it). then the growth gives you something like 450c per stack, which is amazing since it is currently a useless block outside of building.

If you need help getting the starting 6k coins quickly. I actually do recommend farming up desert swords on a tier 1 planet (I favor the sands of Storis II) with a silver axe (those cost 450c at my shop, but others sell for less i’m sure). In 30min you can farm up about 300 beans (I think I tend to get 350+ beans, but I’m used to the area), and at least 1500 fibrous leaf. Now, I know of a few places who buy the beans for 15c+ and if you sell to a few stores you can unload the beans for at least 10c each, so that is 3k. Fibrous leaf does have people buying it at the 15c+ but you’ll be lucky to find anyone buying large amounts at that price, I think most will be in the 3-5c range, and that is fair. 1500 selling at 3c will net you 4500. put that together and you have 7.5k in 30min of farm, and probably 30min of running around. sure that took up your hour, but next time you can just buy whatever you wanted. Plus you get lots of the earthyams which I’m sure you were dying to get more of :wink: Fun fact, fibrous leaf sells for 1c each in the barrel, so as a last ditch effort you could just sell surplus to it, I find myself with way too much of the stuff, and it doesn’t sell well anymore.

That’s how’d I would come back to getting AOE tools, and how I’d seek out replacing my funds if I were dried out completely. This is just one of MANY ways to recover from a 0 coin value in your coffers. The easiest is mooching off a hunt, just looting and not shooting a thing. In an hour of meteors you normally can get 100 rough oort, and that is 15-20k by itself, not to mention all the other loots. the list goes on. Anyway, sorry if I sounded hostile at the top, I’m just tired of people saying things are broken right now, they are not. The avenues before us are littered with coin just waiting to be picked up, if only you know where to look.

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Haha, I forgot to mention the subject of the post in my first post. I am actully in favor of repairing tools.

I see two systems where this makes sense (both I like, second one I like more).

The first. You take your not quite yet broken tool, and the mats needed to make the base tool. If more than 50% dura left on the tool it takes half to repair, if less than 50% it takes the same amount as crafting a new one.

The second system (a bit more involved but bear with me), a new repair bench is added to the game. Similar cost to the workbench to make so it will be available to everyone in some matter. The bench would allow you to do a timing minigame where you would try and land blows into a green area on a wheel with a light going around it for a perfect hit, a yellow area on each side of it for a good hit, and red for the rest of the wheel for a poor hit. Each perfect hit would add 200 durability to the item, each good hit would add 100 durability to the item, and each poor hit would only add 50 durability to the item. 4 levels of items (basic, alloy, gem, elemental), each with slightly smaller targets and slightly faster spinning wheels (top end only 40% smaller and faster than lowest end). Tools/weapon repairs would get 3 spins per each base reagent for the repair (iron bars for iron tools, refined gems for gem tools, etc). Low Level tools (wood through iron), would require 0 spark or power to repair. Alloy tools (silver through titanium) would require 500 spark per spin and 0 power. Gem tools would require 1000 spark, and 500 power to spin the wheel. And elemental (your rift, blink, and whatnot) would cost 1500spark, and 1000 power. Power otherwise works like it does on other machines, lowering the spark cost, and in this case would not be required for low level tools/weapons ever so that would reduce the cost for those players even more.

This won’t devalue standard tools, but makes the powerful forged ones more valuable apiece. I don’t think for a minute this will hurt the economy, the economy will adjust. a 10k hammer will turn into a 30k or even 50k one, since it will only break if you use it one too many times before repairing it. AOE tools will only get more expensive and everyone will be back on the “Too much RNG in forging” horse here on the forums.

In closing, I do like what we have, makes breaking into the market easier for newer or poorer players. I think a repair system would be good too (especially the second one I suggested, since it does add some skill to making your tools last longer). Also note, I like forging as it is, I feel we could use some more outcomes with gums to accompany them, but that is a post for another day in another place.

Literally my exact experience. Wonderful job breaking down the explanation like that. I felt like you were over my shouldering the whole time I’d been playing, creepy now that I think about it.

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shhh, don’t reveal too many secrets :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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2199c actually. Good news tho, this weekend Original Forgeries will be back!

Expect big announcement within 24 hours…


You didn’t mention repairing costs, how would this happen if repairing was free? Aside from the spark cost, and spark is really cheap.

I mentioned material cost of the base item, both examples had a version, one where you basically had to rebuild the base item again, the second where you paid for spins on the wheel with the main item (iron bar, refined gem, etc.). That in addition to spark (yes super cheap there) would mean the price wasn’t “free”.

I don’t feel we need to sink coin into the machine for it to not damage the economy if that is what your asking. The volume of selling forged tools would go down, so the price of them would shoot up (since getting a 300+ rating forge is not something that everyone has been able to do very often). The tools would become more valuable if there was a way to repair them not less valuable. With less demand for new tools, the value of said tools go up, but the price for materials would also go up since they are used in the repair. So adding a repair system would shift the market, not break it.

You guys are giving great advice on how to play the game.

Biv is a nice guy. I mean I gave him some advice last time, offered a hand up along with several other people.

He doesn’t need advice on how to do it, Just this:

There seems to be a strong feeling in the Boundless community that your time invested in the game/community is the most valuable commodity in the game. This is clearly supported both in word and in developmental direction.

It doesn’t matter whether an item or activity is directly coin gated as exo travel is, consumable gated as the next level of worlds will be, or bluntly time gated as some of the higher level crafting activities are. Since you can’t buy coin with cash, it’s all time gating in the end.

Last time it was “builders should get the same rewards hunters get” but I don’t know any hunters that aren’t builders, at least part time. And I don’t know of any hunters still collecting loot from hunts they did in months long gone.

In the end it’s about “after having played an avatar to level 50 i should have at all times access to all things.”


It’s an interesting conversation, to some extent. As an intellectual point. As far as I know, those games are available but they’re not the games that most people offering advice in this thread actually want to play for hundreds or thousands of hours day after day.

I mean I’m not stressing this because it’s so far from what’s on offer here I don’t think that things are going to go TOO far in this direction. The premise of the original post here is that he doesn’t actually like playing the game. Just wants to log in and run the latest endgame meta now and then.

As noted, it’s a legitimate play style, or game design philosophy, or whatever. It’s just not what attracts long term players to persistent, dynamic MMOs. In most cases.


You’re not wrong but Creegle is blunt. There’s thousands of words of advice in this thread telling the OP how to do exactly what he just said he doesn’t want to do. And previous threads.

It speaks well of the community, though. It’s difficult to process the fact that he’s arguing quite passionately AGAINST PLAYING THE GAME. I only have one piece of advice for this and typing it out without any context would come off at least as douchey., if that’s the word.

What do you do if you try out a game and you like the graphics but you don’t like the gameplay?