Let us repair our gear

This is a topic that comes up from time to time…and I’ve always been on the other side of the argument.

But now that I’m not an active player…I get it.

My desire to come back is hampered by the grind. I’ve never set foot on an exoworld because of it.

The problem is that I’m out. I’m out of potions, I’m out of weapons, I’m out of AOE tools and the mats to make them.

The only way to fix this is endless grind. Grind to get mats. Hours of mining, hours of hunting, sometimes on worlds I don’t have hazard protection for and and I’m out of reset points on my harvesting characters so I can jump between them.

That’s providing I can even survive long enough to do anything since I don’t have the points to put any kind of defense on my miner and harvester.

I’m looking at over 20 hours of work just to gear up again…and I just don’t have it in me. Mainly because I know I’m just going to do it all again in a week or so.

I want to run onto an exo-planet, grab all the special mats I need, and get the heck out.

Sure, I could beg my way into the stuff I need as a temporary fix and the wonderful community is always quick to give…but that’s…lame.

And it’s not like I can buy the stuff I need. I don’t know if it’s the wishes of WS or they are just bowing to pressure of people on this board, but they refuse to fix FF so I can actually be rewarded for all the work I’ve put into my build. Therefore, I’m broke. And that’s not going to change unless I start doing all the hunting on high tier worlds that I’m trying to avoid in the first place. If I wanted to do that, I wouldn’t need millions of coins.

Now I’m finding out that, most likely, farming will require going to high tier worlds as well for more than just the initial gathering of mats. And it’s all the same problems again. I don’t want to go to those worlds, I can’t survive on those worlds, why would I want to spend that much time on them?

This is an endless loop that I just can’t conjure the energy to continue.


I would be more than willing to do that grind if I knew that I NEVER HAD TO DO IT AGAIN. Give me the ability to repair my gear so, once I have it, I never have to worry about it again.

Let me just enjoy the game without all this hassle.

I know it’ll never happen, but one can dream.

I’ll end my petulant ranting now. I sound like a four year old that didn’t get cake.


Heads up, I never said that. I said that different atmospheres may affect which dyes you make from plants. I never said ALL farming is going to require high tier worlds. Some might, but there’s still probably going to be farming available for low tier worlds, just like you can farm Desert Sword and sell them at request baskets for coin.

That is afterall what people tell you to do when you’re short on coin, gather desert sword and sell it lol.

And sadly, I doubt we’ll ever be able to repair items, since that would affect the market. Best they can do is make it easier to find items in stores so buying stuff is easier.

Can try using the Chryosminter or whatever to make some extra coin.

It doesn’t take much to get back in to things. I came back from a 3-4 month break due to life and appointments. It was hard and I was rusty but once I got the swing again I was going as hard as ever, when ever I do have time to play.

So many forged items are on the market now for 5k. So many barter and training deal programs people have set up.

I don’t think repairing would be good for the game. We have a ton of items, increasing their duration even more would be not the best.


Although I definitely see your side here and would appreciate some sort of repair mechanic existing myself, let me specifically address this point:

I have never got much coin from FF. Since I’ve started playing, I’ve made just over 200k in FF. That’s not a lot when you put into perspective the fact I’ve spent over 1 million coin on shops over the same time period – the FF “only” accounts for 1/5th of that total. Only a mere 11k has come from objectives!

These are the statistics I can derive from my feats, though I wish there was a better way of viewing all of a characters overall statistics, even going beyond feats and their limits. Anyway…

I know have spent a bit more coin than that 1 million because I have paid for things in hand trades plenty of times, probably somewhere between 100-300k, though that’s a conservative estimate since it’s going off my poor memory.

The rest of those 800k coin, have come from both my trading and more recently from the Coin Machine. Since the Coin Machine has been around, I’ve made about as much coin as I’ve earned from FF. The items I’ve thrown in have mostly been Ancient Essence, Growth and a number of other things, old junk didn’t really account for much of the coin I’ve made with the machine since a lot of my stuff was given away to friends when I last took a break from the game.

And a good alternative is to get plant drops, as many of them are still worth a fair bit of money, and don’t require more than T3 for effective farming, which is relatively safe.

My point here is just that even though I had a shop in a decent place for a time (NL Market), FF has statistically not accounted as being a major part of my coin income, and I imagine that the situation is the same for many others who don’t have plots in a major footfall location or who have only had plots in such locations for some time.

There are actually shops that buy stuff with request baskets at decent prices, but they can be difficult to find, though they should be helpful for players that can’t have a shop in a busy or popular area. They are easier to find with the boundlesstrade site at least.

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In retrospect, I wish I hadn’t posted most of that whining. But I’ll own it and keep it up.

But I keep running into the same issue.

I have an hour to play. I think “Hey, lets play Boundless! I love Boundless!!!”

I turn on the game, look at what I have in storage…and turn it back off.

Using your example, lets say I decide to gather plant drops to sell enough to make 5000c. That would take, what? Two hours? Three? Another 30 minutes, at least, to sell them.


Hey man I’m right there with ya. Some days I have time to post but no time to sit down and log in. On those days I’ll pop a brew and pie and log in to a farm and collect mats I know I’ll use the next time when I get a moment to play. I’ll log on for 10 minutes and then log back out for a fair while. Sometimes I forget and just afk there all day cause life gets real busy real quick.

Just take it easy trying to get back in to things. Just like life, set small goals. As you complete them you’ll find you’ve gotten your Boundless legs back pretty quickly.


Brews and pies require mats I don’t have, lol.

Funny thing is, if you look at my storage, it looks like I’m loaded with stuff. But, aside from high end gear, I always keep one of everything (the packrat in me wont let it be otherwise). So it’s all just decoration.

I’m even running low on earthyam. Lol


Not at all, I think it’s good that you did. It helps us re-think these things ourselves and lets you form your own thoughts better.

I realise I may have across as being a bit blunt, so, sorry for that. :slight_smile:

As I’ve said in the past elsewhere, I do feel that some of the grind feels excessive, especially considering that some of the grind only feels OK or manageable when you have good gear and brews etc.

You could probably make 5-12k from plants within 30 mins to 1 hour, but it depends on the plants available and on what world you’re on. And like you say, you would then need to spend an indeterminate amount of time to sell them if you didn’t already know where to sell them, though I have to admit boundlesstrade has been helping me in that regard myself.

Anyway, I understand how you feel. Wanting to play the game, but then when you’re actually playing, things can feel like a chore. This happened to me so many times over the many years during which I played WoW and I suppose Boundless has been no different. And this can feel more frustrating when you’re not having a lot of time or energy for RL reasons. :confused:

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It would hurt the economy… I am against repairing gear. As for the grind… it’s an mmo and many times grinding is part of the deal…also, there are players who actually LIKE a grind. :blush:

And really, coin is easy to come by these days… just go buy a new hammer. :blush:


135for a brew. 450 for a pie.

That’s available across a few alts just doing feats.

There’s a few mall stores across the worlds that sale daily specials on titanium aoe tools.

If you’re going to try to be soloing it then yes it’ll be harder. I like to solo myself, but there are times when I have to go ahead and delve in tho the economy itself.

If you haven’t gotten a chrysominter set up yet, that’s the first thing you should do. It’ll help you get that small amount of coin real quick if you don’t want to run around doing request basket hunts. People are giving them away or selling them for as little as 150c.

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Yeah, I made one. I managed to make a couple thousand. Don’t really have anything extra to sell without dipping into my building mat selection.

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so you think it is better to not have players play the game versus keeping an anemic economy going? Interesting. Personally I would rather have more players and let that drive demand for the items to repair tools.

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I get where he’s coming from. I’ve made the same arguments.

And he’s not totally wrong, It would completely tank the economy.

Which would be an issue if the economy wasn’t tanked already.

It’s a catch 22. The only things worth selling in shops are only obtainable by people who don’t need the money.

I will continue to yell it from the rafters… we need FF to pay out far better and we need a few high end items that drop on low tier worlds.

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I also understand where he is coming from but I think it is short sighted. Telling players to spend hours to gather the resources to sell for an AOE tool which is all that is discussed in the forums so every player thinks they need them is not a recipe for retaining players. If the average players was growing at all I would shut up because what the developers were doing was working. But it is not and the grind is mentioned pretty often as a reason In reviews why people quit playing. So I am not sure worrying about one item in the economy is the right focus. If AOE tools are the only thing that sells then the economy is already in real trouble.


The recipes and forging need a massive makeover in the “requires less mats” sense, IMHO.

We also need far more (and by that I mean “any”) “custom items” to sell.

As we talk about farming, maybe clothes that are died on custom patterns using certain plants or armor with engravings. Pieces of custom art. I don’t know…something.

The often requested “dailies” would also be a big help, especially if they dropped things like high end mats for dailies and AOE tools if you complete a weekly. That would get people playing if you could get that type of reward without the grind.


I would agree the recipes in general require more materials than any game I have ever played. I think we need more items to craft and sell custom or not. Since with exception of forged tools everything is the same no matter who makes it, I think they need to double or triple the number of items that can be made. If you want players to engage in an economy make so many items they cannot make them all versus few and overly complicated.

But overall I do agree with you.


Same. I agree with you in this way.

If you knew exactly how to find the shops you needed, so you could buy tools to get back in the game, and had a return-bonus of cubits, would that encourage you to try again?

Finding shops isn’t the issue. I have no money to spend there.

My issue is time versus reward. The last time I did a serious sit down for this game, I played 3-4 hours. First, I made a couple ofvterrible cross pattern titanium hammers, because the rng is terrible.

Then I went to mine for gems. In 2 hours of mining, I managed to get almost enough for one single Mass craft. Not quite enough, of course. But almost.

And not the gems I want, because my miner doesn’t have the points to get more hazard protection. And, since any creature T4 or higher one hits you unless you have armor a minor can’t afford, he’s had a death penalty for months.

That’s not fun.

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I saw that you started the thread so I just skipped past the wall of text and saw that last line and I was just like… Yup, it figures.

I’m morbidly fascinated with this thread.

The title isn’t really on point because you would have to grind or do SOMETHING besides log in every few weeks.

If we got repairable tools you would log in every so often, look at all of your broken tools, and be even less incented to play.

Dailies have been in the game since before I started,I’m pretty sure. Weekly too. Coins and experience.

You get more if you do stuff.

Here’s a free AoE tool for logging in:

Keep at it here’s another one:

Here’s one for hitting level 50

Here’s another one for doing random stuff

At some point, they just throw you tens of thousands of experience and enough coin to buy another one because they’ve wasted so much of your time watching the little boxes open to give you free stuff:

Did you take any time to check this out?

You can just whip up a totem and start gathering coins if you like. If you log in for 15 minutes they give you enough coin to buy a chrysominter.

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