This is a topic that comes up from time to time…and I’ve always been on the other side of the argument.
But now that I’m not an active player…I get it.
My desire to come back is hampered by the grind. I’ve never set foot on an exoworld because of it.
The problem is that I’m out. I’m out of potions, I’m out of weapons, I’m out of AOE tools and the mats to make them.
The only way to fix this is endless grind. Grind to get mats. Hours of mining, hours of hunting, sometimes on worlds I don’t have hazard protection for and and I’m out of reset points on my harvesting characters so I can jump between them.
That’s providing I can even survive long enough to do anything since I don’t have the points to put any kind of defense on my miner and harvester.
I’m looking at over 20 hours of work just to gear up again…and I just don’t have it in me. Mainly because I know I’m just going to do it all again in a week or so.
I want to run onto an exo-planet, grab all the special mats I need, and get the heck out.
Sure, I could beg my way into the stuff I need as a temporary fix and the wonderful community is always quick to give…but that’s…lame.
And it’s not like I can buy the stuff I need. I don’t know if it’s the wishes of WS or they are just bowing to pressure of people on this board, but they refuse to fix FF so I can actually be rewarded for all the work I’ve put into my build. Therefore, I’m broke. And that’s not going to change unless I start doing all the hunting on high tier worlds that I’m trying to avoid in the first place. If I wanted to do that, I wouldn’t need millions of coins.
Now I’m finding out that, most likely, farming will require going to high tier worlds as well for more than just the initial gathering of mats. And it’s all the same problems again. I don’t want to go to those worlds, I can’t survive on those worlds, why would I want to spend that much time on them?
This is an endless loop that I just can’t conjure the energy to continue.
I would be more than willing to do that grind if I knew that I NEVER HAD TO DO IT AGAIN. Give me the ability to repair my gear so, once I have it, I never have to worry about it again.
Let me just enjoy the game without all this hassle.
I know it’ll never happen, but one can dream.
I’ll end my petulant ranting now. I sound like a four year old that didn’t get cake.