Let us see time remaining on another player's beacon (poll)

Sure, lets let people see other people’s beacon times. And while we’re at, lets implement that system I keep hearing about that emails the player when their beacon is low. And since we’re a bunch of good people and are interested in these plots for the sake of our builds, and not getting free stuff, lets have the plot go into an unclaimable limbo until it is completely regenerated! yay! c:


Not directed towards anyone in particular. But I’ve played enough mmo games to know there’s plenty of butt heads out there that would sit there till the last second to steal everything somebody works hard on. Let’s say for example I have 8 hrs left and I can’t make it on by then but knowing a have a few hrs before decay starts I could work something out with my guild to rebeacon or refuel. But now we got some jerk camping the beacon because they can now see a clock counting down… Unless it’s been fixed, I can’t add fuel unless there’s no fuel in it.

I’m not sure what you mean by this, if i add 4 weeks of fuel, I can, a day later, put in a 4 week fuel thing to top’it off, it’ll add 1 extra day.

I’m not sure if you can give permission to friends to fuel your beacon either…

I’ve tried. None of my beacons will accept any fuel to increase the timer. Now I haven’t tried since update. Believe me, if I could power that sucker for a yr I would lol. And no, you can’t give permissions. My guil would have to break the expired beacon, rebeacon it themselves and replot the entire area.

Right, the beacons max out at 4, 8, or 12 weeks.

You can’t increase the time beyond the level of fuel you use.

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Yea, it sucks but I understand why they put limits on the time. I said screw it and just went gleam club and digital version.

In favor of it. It would be a stealth buff to attaining power coils :slight_smile:

Hell yes, show the timer, and lets all show up and have a knife fight for it. Sounds like instant content to me.

I have been pillaging beacons since they introduced the mechanic. I love scavenging bases, you never know what you will find. The decreased regen time makes it harder to catch these days.

@Havok40k Is right is does lead to more conflict. But if you into that sort of thing I will see you there :wink: But it looks like the the raiders are in the minority.


iam totally in for it, but maybe showing not the absolute time but a proximate time like: “runs out in about a day/under a day//a week/under a week/a month”


But I didn’t know I could top off the timer. When I tried adding more it was after I fueled it the first time. Knowing that now I’ll just make sure it stays topped off.

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I dont know, I think it’s better to leave it more to chance like a lottery. If it’s not broke dont fix it!


I really like that idea. We already have “under a week” when the flame goes away and turns to smoke, but I would like to see a really epic flame for beacons fueled for more then 2 months!

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Yeah if there’s 2 weeks left and you gotta go on a trip, just top it off, when you get further in the game you can use the 8-week fuels and 12 week fuels or buy them from people :slight_smile:

I agree with this for TWO reasons… One it let’s your alts see how much time you have left on a beacon, 2 it opens up the ability to have an auction for unclaimed land by players who all have been camping it giving it to the highest bidder.

And I’ll be a gleam club member for as long as I care to play. Spending a little to support the devs while protecting my own assets is just the smart thing to do. If anyone hates this way of others getting ahead, you’ll just get gleam club and forget em.

Edit. Grammar