Let's see if we can

Get an exo!


I’d say start asking and see if we can get one up?


I started a thread about this yesterday! Really hoping we get some exo even if there is the oortmas event. Iirc we didn’t get new exos during gleambow, or not many anyway.



We got a few during gleambow and then like , 4 exos back to back immediately after gleambow.

Tbh if they release a new one now I’ll be a little sad if it’s a color I want. No time to play over the next week since I’ll be with family.

Pretty sure the ones we had during gleambow spawned before the event started.

Well… even so… We had so many immediately after the event that i didn’t have time to explore them all unfortunately. And I, for one, appreciate a little bit of exo downtime so I can actually work on my base.

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christmas exo please! red white and green colors would be the best!

How about a new exo right now?
Or maybe we could have a dev pitching in to tell us that exos can’t/won’t spawn during special events?

Exo is up

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