LF community

I’m looking for a decent sized town or community of players to play with, still pretty much a noob but I’ve figured out the basics so far.

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Hello @Corruptone , I’m a single player in Boundless, my settlement is located on Therka. Although I’m into this game for a few years now, I’m pretty much a noob still, due to constantly changing crafting recipes and new additions to the game. So I might not bei the right player to guide you through the quirks of the game. Nevertheless, If you ever find your way to Therka, send me a dm.
I’ll gladly show you my my location. And if you ever should be pleased by it, you can join its upbringing, or settle near the location, as you wish.

Thanks for the reply, I def might come pay a visit sometime, you’ll have to inform me on how to send a dm though xD.

You can send a direct message via the forum: There is your icon in the top right (in your case a C), activate or click it, and you’ll find a letter symbol. This icon ist your access to the dm menu.

Ah I found it thanks.

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If that doesn’t work out for you, you can always check our town out.

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My friends started a town on elopor if you want to join it. its small right now but its starting to become a nice community :slight_smile:



Yeah I might check it out, still working my way towards warp crystals atm though.

cheeky haha

I wish everyone else has dyslexia so i won’t be the only one missing letters. XD


i can help you and the if you join the city you have direct access to all portal networks

You could totally join the Discord, too!

If your dyslexia is caused by Irlen Syndrome (which I have) it can be fixed with special lenses.

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a bit to late but heres aqua discord