This is right outside my base on aquatopia. Sometimes its there, other times its fine. The only lightsource is that gleamblock and sunlight.
What are the coordinates of these locations?
This is likely a limitation of how the lighting is done in game - (very roughly speaking) - games are normally limited by the number of lights in a scene. But in Boundless you can place many thousands of lights in the world. So we use a technique called Spherical Harmonic Lighting that compresses the lighting information. This process is done per 2x2x2 voxels. So these meshes are likely being lit by something that is on the other side of the wall.
I notice that there are many portals on the other side of the way. I’ll need to see how these contribute to the SPH matrices.
When I visit this location I don’t see these artefacts.
Did you change anything?
Does it still happen for you? If so, what GPU do you have?
Ok I see it now.
It’s the daytime bleeding into the build. I think it’s the same issue as @majorvex is reporting - and likely the same rendering issue. I’ll check.
I really like the lighting effect - they look backlit
There is just one block between the shelves and the outside, then the portals so =
shelves - ref meta - portal
I’ll check out the link…thank you for the info.
They are backlit!!
I saw this the other day while I was in the All Block Shop… I thought it was my TV or something. Glad to know I am not having vision problems.
Location : 1,187N 746E alt 73
I’m cleaning that beacon out, so it’s not a long term issue for me.
I have some back lit storage on raxxa but it’s dark it doesn’t show quite like this. Also in the end those boxes will have more than a 1 thick wall behind them.
TBH I’m thinking about changing them for a lighter color and I wouldn’t mind that effect it looks like a cool ‘oil slick’ kind of translucence. I’m not sure how it would be on signs like that, though.
Anyways looks like this all happened while i was asleep. Glad you could get the info you needed.