Lighting Poll

I do think there’s a but of tweaking still to be done, but this lighting looks miles above the old system, which was miles above EA

The way I see it, tweaks will have to be done either way. It’d be ridiculous for them to let the meshes as dark as they currently are.

After that, I think gleam needs to emit more light. Maybe even as much as before the update.
THEN, maybe some options, sure, why not.

Currently, you can’t have an in-door room that is well lite up unless you use waaaay too many light-blocks like lanterns (as seen above).

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That is quite a stark contrast, but that second picture of the front of the build still looks amazing!

The stripes were always there, the contrast just wasn’t as much.

If I could get discord on my work computer I’d show all of you what happened to Imdaari… It’s… wow. It’s different.

Goblin sums it up perfectly but I would add that sunlight is too bright during the day. Gleam color light is non existent during the day.


It’s strangely also true indoors.
It’s like the gleam knows it’s day outside, so it stops emitting light inside too.

Gleam is just a little shy, that’s all.

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Please make a separate gamma option or something. For those (like me) who are color-blind, this can most likely make it much more difficult to navigate around in the game. I’ll know more for sure when I get home and check out the update.

Also, please allow this adjustment on PS4 as well!

Option for color-blind people should be added, for sure.

BUT for the non-color-blind, it should be a tweak. Otherwise, we’re gonna start seeing people putting signs in their build saying “set your options to these values to experience the build like the author”.
People are gonna say “oh, I hate your build” because they have their options set one way, and the author won’t understand he’ll still be on the default values.

,It’s going to become a mess

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Just got on… Its worse than i thought… But i would say having options to change settings ourselves would be nice although i think having the devs tweak it would be better so that everything generally looks and feels the same for everyone. If it stays the way it is and they add adjustment settings then some builds are going to look really good for some people and really dark and scary for others lol.
As I am very into using black colored blocks, I sincerelly hope that they will tweak things because im not about to remodel everything i built so you can actually see it.
I really hate to complain about this but its just too dark and dank :slightly_frowning_face:

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For whatever reason I’m finding the lighting VERY uncomfortable for my eyes. I’m not a fan of the new lighting. I would be grateful if they would create an option in settings for those of us that don’t like it. I see no reason to negatively impact those that do like it if the developers can manage it. But I may not be able to or want to play my favorite game any longer if I have to deal with this new lighting. I really hate to be negative about what has been a great game but I think that its a game changer for me.

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Waaay too dark for me personally and it seems slightly fuzzy. Update: I tried turning the Bloom off and it helped with the fuzziness. I really love the night time graphics, it is now truly night. Just need to lighten a bit so I can see what I’m doing in my house, maybe make the gleam brighter…that would help tremendously!

What does that even mean? Lol. The update just came out and anyone who has ever played a game knows there are always things which need to be tweaked.

The devs are listening and obviously care what the player base thinks. They are fantastic at responding to issues and have been working super hard to get this update right.

Even the patch notes allude to the fact that color and lighting are a WIP.

If you’re a new player, I hope you grow to love the game. You’ll soon realize that the community is super supportive and positive, for the most part. :blush:


Maybe this is fine… I don’t want to be held to them changing the lighting effects because you (meaning no offense) or someone else don’t like how it looks in your build when I am more than happy how it looks in MY build (storage situation included).

This lighting is a very personal situation especially when it comes down to a persons build. It is no way fair that something that some people think looks great in one case be changed or reverted back because it affects someone else because of HOW they built their build or storage area.

While I completely understand and want to support people like you who have a bad experience, I do not think it is right that @James or any of the devs be expected to revert something just because it affects a select group of people’s builds especially when it hurts other players.

It is more fair to leave the game in the intentional way the developers offered the lighting changes. Then offer options like “gamma” adjustment or something where people can adjust their own settings to have the game look like they intended.


I personally love the new lighting changes. Yes some areas might have to end up replacing the lighting with different colors or redo the lighting. Since now the color of the gleam plus if its unrefined, refined, or gleam lantern determines how bright it really is from what can tell. With just the lighting change I think game looks much nicer.

This poll should have an option to LEAVE THINGS ALONE. It isn’t fair or right to only have a change it option.


You, know I tend to avoid the forums now because of all the complaining and drama, just silently checking occasionally.

and this is a stupid argument, instead of complaining about how “your” lighting is ruined, how about you fix it in-game using new lights, rather then be selfish and demand the whole system be changed, because you personally don’t like it, I see it as extremely selfish and arrogant. this is what is wrong with this community, everyone keeps selfishly demanding changes be made based on how it will affect them and their play style, not thinking about how it actually affects everything, belittling people who try to look at it from a reasonable perspective.

it is selfish to demand the devs change anything about the game because you don’t like the change, while a lot of other people like it, I personally like the lighting, it could use with a bit of a do over in some areas, especially gleam lighting. but that doesn’t mean the entire lighting system be changed.

and I agree with xaldafax, this poll is biased as it has no option for the people who like it as is.


Custom options for sure. So many different variations in screens there couldnt possibly be one setting that works for everything (incuding “dont change it”).

I use a 75" 4K HDR tv… guessing thats slightly different to some other people… or even just a different brand of the same spec tv would look different.


and adding in an option to change the lighting is stupid and pointless, this is a shared universe everyone should be pretty much seeing the same thing, including lighting, that way someones build which is intended to look a certain way looks the same for everyone else.


The devs have already admitted that the lighting requires tweaks in some areas, specifically with how dark the game is currently. James said they are deciding between a permanent tweak and adding in an option, so someone decided to start a poll to see what the community would like.

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