Lighting Poll

I want to say I love your post. I am as well imagining many people all at once joining in a round of applause. Thank you for saying what you did. :clap: sometime things just need to be said!


@Kal-El, I just want to clarify, I never said it wasn’t used to light your base, I said it wasn’t meant to light the entire base, as in only using gleam for lighting, it can be used for lighting and that is okay. gleam has been around a long time has changed and what it might have once been for has changed since then, I poorly worded what I meant and never meant to say that gleam wasn’t a light source. Gleam can be used as the only light source now and that shouldn’t change. I never said that havok said that gleam wasn’t for lighting, I said he said that it was more like it was in alpha, I miss-quoted the post in response to you and should have added more to make it clear what I meant, I do agree with everyone havok is not a dev, don’t go on a witch hunt against him or anything. I should have been way more careful with how I responded, got a bit caught up in the argument.

To everyone else I made some miss-quotes and apologise to everyone, it was never my intention to upset anyone, I wasn’t very clear in how I approached this, this is sorta why I avoid the forum. I am very sorry to anyone I have offended or upset, I never meant to hurt any ones feelings, I do understand why others might not like the new update and did try to say it is okay to dislike it, I just didn’t get that across very well, personally I think some things look to dark as well.

we all have been faced with a big change to the game, the lighting change has changed how we see the various worlds of Boundless and others might not like that and if you personally don’t like how it looks or how it has changed how your base looks, that is okay I apologise for how blunt I was. I just reached a point where I was sorta sick with some of the complaining on the forum and it crept its way into how I responded to others. I will very much try harder in the future to remain calmer and be more considerate and respectful.

For now I will avoid the forums, I think I have caused enough trouble.

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I for once knew exactly what you meant and knew what dev-made statements you referred to.
There is a lot of those in my memory bank even though I can sometime fail to find a physical trail proving it.

The knee-jerk reaction to your statement shouldn’t keep you from posting in forums. It’s the others that could rethink the way they react to your posts, no matter who is right.

These forums have had quite a lot of different people’s ideas or statements ridiculed and replays turning personal and I had a taste of it myself not long ago.

Still its relatively peaceful and friendly forum so hopefully you will continue doing your part and contribute with your thoughts.

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Thanks Boundmore, yeah I shouldn’t let this stop me, but I feel already pretty badly burnt right now

Honestly, this is really a pretty chill forum.
The truth is, we all appreciate the game in a different way, and it’s actually pretty normal (as gaming communities go) for each player to want the game to be the way they like. It’s not our job as members of the community to go tell other members that they’re right or wrong.

I’ll admit that I was also part of the problem, since I was complaining a lot about the lighting issues. I still somewhat think that I was justified, though. Between suddenly having months of work drastically changed by an update which seemed to have been released too early, and people basically repeating to me “we like your place when it’s darker, and so should you! Stop being selfish and get used to it!”.


If Havok makes a statement that I disagree with I would discuss it with him. I would never drag him into a discussion just because statements were attributed to him. I like @Havok40k and worked on a project in EA with him right before the game went live, I have no reason to change my opinion of him even if he does say something that I disagree with. That has happened in the past and will happen again in the future I am sure.

Edit: I think @Goblinounours raises a good point. When a change to a game affects something that players may have spent hundreds of hours on gathering, crafting and finally building, they are going to have varying reactions to something that changes them. I think there is a decent number of people that play the game in order to build. They are expressing themselves and trying to create something they find fantastic/beautiful/creative whatever adjective fits them. They are going to have a more emotional reaction to something they have that kind of investment in when it is changed.

I do appreciate the fact that the developers have acknowledged the effect the lighting changes have had and are working on some tweaks that may minimize the impact on some aspects of the builds. I think the mesh change introduced yesterday was a great first step and I for one appreciate it.


For a thread I haven’t even commented on, I am @ mentioned an awful lot! I feel compelled to share my opinion though previously I was withholding it.

I’ll address the misquote attributed to me first. I’ve never said gleam shouldn’t be used as lighting, or as your primary light source. In practice gleam is my favorite light source next to advanced (not gem) torches when thematically appropriate. I have said in a VC in my guild discord that the gleam now more closely resembles what I remember from alpha. It was glassy and vibrant then! Dark colors were dark, and light colors were brighter. I had a dungeon that used this dark violet black gleam that made for some spooky ambience. It was great.
(Alpha gleam pic to be inserted here in an edit)

How do I feel about the latest lighting update? Its positively brilliant! The new spectrum of light intensity is just that many new tools in the builder’s toolbox and that to me is a huge win! Yes, I have to replace a metric ton of gleam lights to get my builds closer to how I originally planned, but to me- as I’ve said numerous times- starting over is a huge opportunity. Replacing these gleam lights is no different, its strong motivation for me to experiment with different lighting options. I believe my builds will be all the better for it than before.

Regarding this pole, I think it would be ideal for the devs to expose sliders for individual preference. If it’s so important to a builder that a person should view their build in the same way that the builder does, it’s not hard to simply post a sign saying “for intended viewing results, try gamma setting 3” or something similar. More options and more variation equals more tools for me to play with and I would never suggest we should have fewer options or that people should settle for what I like.

Lastly, I feel like I’ve had to say this a lot lately, I’m not a dev! I’ve been here from the beginning and I like to share my personal perspective based on all the changes in design and the reasons behind them that were discussed openly way back then, but much less now. Something I saw repeatedly stated was “nobody asked for these lighting changes, you’ve ruined my builds!” (Not quoting anyone directly) but I do remember people asking for these changes. It’s been a long while, and people have gotten accustomed to the previous settings. That’s just one of the side effects of having a smaller dev team. They cant address every gripe from the previous update in the next update, they would never get new content in the game if they prioritize making every feature perfect first. People become accustomed to the way a thing is, new people join who have only ever known the existing settings, and the community as a whole seems to forget about their gripes from before. (Link to post addressing lighting update at launch here after edit)

The game will continue to receive updates, fixes, and balance changes. I just hope you guys remain receptive to progress and dont get bogged down in the staleness of “how its been”. Always share constructive feedback and resist the urge to make knee jerk posts about updates you dont like. Meshes were too dark. They got fixed. I saw a ton of abusive comments about them first though. That’s not constructive criticism. Be nice you guys.