The Alder Sasquatches
Directors: PrincessMaude + alts
ElSioui + alts
LaserTech + alts
The Alder Sasquatches
Directors: PrincessMaude + alts
ElSioui + alts
LaserTech + alts
This ones for you.
Can we just keep this thread as a list of primary contacts only for dispute resulution, not as adverts for your guilds. Thanks
GMs: @AmandaPan, @Rumplypigskin, @decuire
No Man’s Sky [NMS]
Director: Paka
Water Dragons [WD]
Guild Director : crazy86, xCurryBear
Guild Executives : Bot
The Diabolical Corporation (TDC)
Toast /Conkuur Warhammer
[CSB]Cliffside Builders
Directors:Momma, BigPappa
(DSK) Duskmoor Guild
Head Councilor:
(-DSK-) Saalt
Duskmoor Councilors:
(-DSK-) Nytemara, (-DSK-)MonkMathers
(-DSK-)Dex666, (-DSK-)Greenheart
(-DSK-) Mal, (-DSK-)Khaotik
(-DSK-)Sterbehilfe (-DSK-)Draxous
Duskmoor is run by community Councilors if needed all grievances would be discussed.
Therefore any Councilors can be contacted by DM for support in Duskmoor.
Our Discord
YeeHawLittleDonkey (YLD)
Leaders: Brick and MoragMac (me).
Members: Baws and Dengar.
Any complaints will be dealt with with keeping the peace as priority.
And we have Flabrador (FLABS). All members of YLD are co-leaders of that guild, HQ on Ceph. Merika. Post box outside door.
Lil reminder of OP’s request
This is showing as a reply to my post. I’m not sure if it is but, not advertising, our guilds are locked tight. Simply naming the guilds and members for the reason the OP ask for. Points of contact.
.>Troll< Barbarian Troll King
Any objections, questions, complaints or disputes regarding the characters and/or real estates marked with the >Troll< guild tag, can be referred to me, Discord is the best way to get my attention
Insults must be submitted in writing on legal sized paper.
Guild: Shadowproof
Tag: Shadow
World: Trior
City: Autumn Dell
Contacts: Zephidyon, Ristok, Kelmat, Balfisto, Parnwig
(TKA ): The Kiss Army
City : Twitch City
world :Angle I
Directors : KissMyClass09 Left _For_Undead
Executive : Henry2018 RacingQueen10