Ok this is the second Part of my Suggestion List. If you don’t know whats going on i first suggest (see what i did there :D?) you to look at the First Part
Everything you need to know is pointed out there so i just get started with the second part :D.
**14.**This one is fresh: Stronger Portal Conduits
Building a portal from Therka to Andoweem would have cost me 40 Conduits large portals with 500 opening cost and 10 shard per hour. I don’t see why it really has to be necessary to build a portal bigger than most peoples bases.
I agree that their should be more effort involved with connecting higher distant places and the costs per hour can stay like they are. But we should be able to craft stronger conduits out of the usual ones which count as more conduits when building the actuall portal so it doesn’t need to be that big. Maybe crafting these already needs shards so it also could reduce the opening cost off the portal so its not that much of a pain to reopen it if it gets closed.
**15.**Another idea to the portal situation is to able to select the portal to be powered by shards per usage. Switching into shards per usage acutally closes the portal and people have to use shards to temporaly open it. Maybe you can even add an option to lock the portal to only those added to the portals beacon but thats not what i care about. Having portals with shards per use would be much better for private portals who only get used by a few people instead of the public once at the cities.
**16.**Now a fancy idea giving a good motivation for players and adding some fun : A Treasure Chamber,
So how could this look like? My idea is that you can craft treasure chamber slabs which are simple fancy looking slabs maybe made out of decoratives so their look coresponds to the decoratives used and adds an Oort glyph for the word “treasure” ;D. Once placed you can interact with the slabs and open a storage like menu where you can add alloys, compact metals, refined metals, compact gems and refined gems which are than beatifully placed and arranged on the slabs. Maybe only the refined ones, the details are debatable. The idea off this comes from Terraria where you could place your coins so they look like the piles of coins in Scrooge Mc’Ducks money bin :D.
**17.**I noticed the look of compact gem slabs and stairs just cutting the block including the blocks frame. This doesn’t look very nice i suggest that the slabs and stairs should get their own frame
**18.**Another esthetic thing could be to give an option to invert the response of left click and right click, so the left click triggers the right item and the right click triggers the left item. I can just imagine that some people could like to have it this way since in most other games you use the left click to trigger your weapon or something in your right hand and right click often is used for secondary actions of your left hand like blocking with a shield.
**19.**Something i guess will probaly come: Higher Tier creatures should have better drop chances or generally drop more, drop better items and their could be creature specific drops like really unique to this type of creature. I guess once this gets interesting it will be there :D.
20.Signs, Books, Paper, just something to write on and leave it there :D, ok this is an idea coming from minecraft and i would already be pleased (maybe even like it more) if the only form of leaving messages in game is in form of glyphs which leads to the next idea
**21.**I like the glyph brick, is it hard to implement that we can interact with the glyph brick and edit how the glyph looks like :D?
**22.**Gemstones torches are a beautiful thing and yet. Most colors are rather disturbing and lanterns even have a slightly larger light radius. So what else could they do. We have 6 gems, Diamonds - Amethysts, Rubies - Emeralds, Sapphires - Topaz , and i arranged them on purpose. Their colors are somewhat the oposite of each other and the gemstone torch of a certain gemstone might could be able to easier track gemstones of the oposite gemcolor. How will this look like? The rough gems consume the light of the torch and response with their own color starting to glow maybe even 1 or 2 blocks trough the walls.
**23.**Last but not least: The Taxes for trading are ok but the coins shouldnt just be sucked into the eternal nothingness. My idea is that the taxes go to the worlds capital city owner thus meaning that he of course doesn’t have to pay taxes. I guess thats a goal something would like to achieve ;D
Thats it with part 2 and part 3 is comming after a while, so what do you think about it?