Long term funding - Polls

Initiated by @Stretchious idea of summing up all mentioned options for additional game funding I (hopefully) collected all suggestions made so far and put them into a thread together with a poll for each one.
All the polls range from 1 (I´d hate to see that ingame) to 10 (I´d love to see that ingame).

Following a list of all suggested ideas for generating additional revenue.
Keep in mind that each of the things listed below would have to be paid extra for in order to be accessed ingame.

#Vanity wearables
Unique purchasable wearables

[poll type=number min=1 max=10 name=skins][/poll]

#Vanity pets
Small creatures that passively follow your character

[poll type=number min=1 max=10 name=pets][/poll]

#Decoration Skins
Alternative models for plinths, furnances, and other props

[poll type=number min=1 max=10 name=props][/poll]

#Vanity character customization
Additional face variations, fur patterns tattoos, etc.

[poll type=number min=1 max=10 name=customization][/poll]

#Dev created Blueprints
Pre-designed structures that can easily be recreated once bought.

[poll type=number min=1 max=10 name=Blueprints][/poll]

#Supplementary Portals
Additional Portals that can be accessed by paying real money

[poll type=number min=1 max=10 name=Portals][/poll]

#Alternative chat emotes
Allows you to use alternative dance,clap, laugh, etc. animations

[poll type=number min=1 max=10 name=animations][/poll]

#Capital beacons for rented worlds
A giant beacon for your rented world

[poll type=number min=1 max=10 name=capitalbeacon][/poll]

#Additional beacon plots
A few additional placeable beacons.

[poll type=number min=1 max=10 name=beaconsplots][/poll]

#Account services
Rename your character, change the race and appearance of your character, etc.

[poll type=number min=1 max=10 name=accservice][/poll]

Boundless T-Shirts, wrist bands, Baseball caps, posters etc.

[poll type=number min=1 max=10 name=Merchandise][/poll]

#Additional character slots
Allows you to have additional characters

[poll type=number min=1 max=10 name=characters][/poll]

#Monthly fees
Paying a fee every month in order to be able to play the game

[poll type=number min=1 max=10 name=fees][/poll]

A new expansion pack once in a while that has to be bought in order to access the new content

[poll type=number min=1 max=10 name=Addons][/poll]

Temporary gold, Exp, crafting- or mining speed boosts for your character

[poll type=number min=1 max=10 name=Boosts][/poll]

#Block bundles
Packages of x Stone, a bundle of various gleam blocks, etc.

[poll type=number min=1 max=10 name=Bundles][/poll]

#Global chat messages
Paying to write a message that ignores the chat range and can be read globally.

[poll type=number min=1 max=10 name=megaphone][/poll]

I´m aware that I havn´t included rented worlds. That´s because it´s pretty much certain that this form of additional funding will be included anyway.

I tried to phrase them as unbiased as possible, if someone doesn´t like my phrasing please tell me and I´ll try to change it.

The (sheer endless) discussion can be read here


Tanks for making this vote :+1:

What is your “deadline” for the vote ? one month till you conclude ?

I would prefere a -5 to +5 scale (it’s easier to read and a 0 could be used as “i don’t care”) but i don’t know if this is possible.

That should be possible

  • -5
  • -4
  • -3
  • -2
  • -1
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

0 voters

Yes it seems it is indeed

The average for Merchandise and Boosts is very onesided xD


Not surprisningly merchandise is non game affecting in any way so there is not really anything to have against it and boosts… Well they are boosts.


And a lot of other results are around 5 (±1). Perfect example why an average is not always the best solution :smiley: In this case the real results (eg. 1 x 1, 0 x 2, 5 x3, 4 x 4 and so on) would be better for analysis and interpretation.

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Also you can pull an average easily down or up if it’s not already in the middle.

Admittedly, when I suggested a poll, I was only thinking of a true/false scenario where we could get a definitive count of whether people liked an idea or not.

So something like this instead?
You should be able to buy vanity armor

  • Agree
  • Agree somewhat
  • Neutral
  • Disagree somewhat
  • Disagree

0 voters

This could still be numerical values (-5 to +5 IMO) but with the real results and not a pre-calculated average. If you can see the real results you can see “polarization” and you can use tools of mathematical statistics. If the average tends to be “average” (in this case 5 ± 1) it’s not useful because you can’t interpret/see anything in it.

Pretty much along those lines, yeah. Or even more simplified still with just “Agree”, “Neutral” and “Disagree”. I don’t think there needs to be any shades of grey in between.

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That would make rather large polls though.

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this is a super valid solution.

As all wearables are horizontal - with the exception of rings - they’re all purely cosmetic anyway!
This needs to be changed to “Unique Purchasable Wearables” to keep the statement from being misleading.

I´ll make a graph to summ up the results in about 1 week but I think I´ll never close the thread (since I don´t really see a reason for that)
I also thought about ranging it from -5 to 5 but I figured that most people are used to the 1 to 10 version.
With “normal” polls with 10 options for each the (already long thread) would be 5 times its current size and rather unreadable.

I thought that those polls would give a bit more information than “yes/no” polls.

I still think that those “number polls” are the best suited for this case.
@james mentioned that a backer survey about this will be sent out anyway, this thread just had the intention to sum up the suggestions made in a thread with 250+ posts and to give a small overview about the general opinion for each. A statistical analysis of each voting would be quite over the top and something that should be done in said survey.

I remember suggesting skins for the blocks but now I highly regret mentioning that.

This post is really helpful - firstly the data is interesting, but it’s also an experiment that can help us create a better survey for the global community. Super helpful.

I’ve been toying with the following answers for the payment survey. (In general my aim is to polarise opinion.)

  1. I would consider purchasing this.
  2. I wouldn’t purchase this, but think other players should be able to.
  3. No one should be able to purchase this.


  • Items that get the majority of #1 and #2 answers are candidates worth exploring.
  • Items that have more #1 then #2 would be the priority.
  • Items that get many #3 answers will alienate players.

Maybe add a “I have no opinion about this” as some people at least don’t really care about neither other people buying it or not buying it.

That would give more clear data.

Answer 2 is supposed to capture this. It could likely be worded better.

Maybe “I wouldn’t purchase this” is sufficient.

Maybe “I wouldn’t purchase this, but wouldn’t be annoyed / turned-off it other players could / did.”


Probably just “I wouldn’t purchase thise”

People being anoyed about it should be lead towards the 3rd option

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