Looking to buy Diamond Hammers

Anyone got some diamond hammers on the cheap! Am mining on Serp for diamonds and can not find any dia hammers for less than 7500. Is there a way to make money besides objectives and shop keeping? Thanks

Mining with a diamond aoe hammer on serp, should easily net you more than enough money to buy a new tool and have some nice profit left :slight_smile: (although for diamonds, i prefer mcrib myself)

Are you using persisting pies? I’m also assuming you have a build that 1shots blocks on serp?

Help us help you, more information is more better :slight_smile:


Okay. I’m at lev 29. No screenshots but.

Power 8/8
Dex 2/8
Intel 8/8
Luck 6/8
Zeal 1/8

No real idea where to put what.

Hammer at 3.
Epic sligbow. Epic hammer

3 volatile. 3 caustic.

The only hammers I have are balanced titanium and an almost dead diamond one shot.

Don’t really know food stuff except for steak.

I highly recommend changing the slingbow epic, to the durability epic for now. Then add a persisting pie into the mix, and your hammers will last a lot longer :slight_smile:

What is generally your mining strategy? Even without pie/epic, you should be able to mine enough to turn a profit :slight_smile:

That’s a good suggestion. Will do.

My strategy is to fine a bright blob and then go straight. If I’m single mining. Will go straight and then moving over two blocks and reverse direction.

Will look into pies.

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Dunno if you’ve seen This yet. But if you’re going to focus on mining this has a lot of great info.


Well I wouldn’t go to serp. Go to macrib. Use a atlas head lvl 10 roughly. Now u have diamonds

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Also if trying to save coin take a stone chisel. And chisel down the sides. It’s a good newbie trick

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Oh wow, blast from the past I used to do that too! Doesn’t cost any or much energy, swings fast and chisels anything in it’s way no matter the material!

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thanks all. tweeked my skills and and making good time

Whats yer take on mcrib. wanting emerald next for mixer coils. Can’t wait to make my first diamond whammer! The ones you gave me the other night were gravy!

A friend and I have a little shop at river town on arie where we sell t6 diamond hammers with +40-50 speed for 5k… but we only stock it once a week or so and they usually sell out the same day : / I’m not on to check but If you head to Rivertown and use the shop scanner, we might still have a couple left or a stand with t6 +random third boon left. Those are 4k.

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Yes. Read a bit then run off.