Losing mob aggro

Does anyone have any tips on losing mob aggro once you have it? In my experience, the mobs in this game are more than happy to chase you all the way around the planet. Especially cuttles. I’ve only found two ways to reliably run away:

  1. Put enough distance between you and them that they despawn (not easy and risks aggroing other mobs)
  2. Build walls around yourself, return to Sanctum, and use the Sanctum warp to travel somewhere else (costs coin and totally disrupts whatever you were doing

From the testing universe it seems like we’ll need to be spending more time on higher-tier worlds in 1.0. I spent a lot of time on Bominoruta, a T3 world. Most of the mobs I can deal with just fine without any special combat skills, but the occasional exotic cuttle will completely destroy me. It’s unfortunate that there seems to be no good way to “run away” in these situations.

One thought I’ve had is it would be nice if mobs were more “territorial”. In WoW, if you aggro a mob, they will chase you up to a certain distance, then give up and return to their original location. I think that would work well for Boundless too. Plus, it would help prevent a form of griefing where a troll rounds up a bunch of exotic mobs and brings them all over to your base to kill you.


Yeah, this could use refinement in the future. Cuttles are especially bad because they fly

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THere is skills to decrease the aggro range and there will also be a a brew that removes aggro to mobs around you.

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Any tips on how to lose them without the brews?

Caves is what I do. Drop in somewhere and they often lose ya

Not a perfect or even reliable solution, but its what I’ve got so far

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I might have to experiment to see if having a certain amount of blocks between them will have an effect.

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the easiest way is to have a fast grapple. you can also try to go to sanctum if there is no other players around it might despawn

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Yeah I’ve had to do that a few times with a builder spec I was using on munteen which had practically no defence, trying to build a shop in Munteen paradise :slightly_smiling_face:

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This was a suggestion I made in a different thread, but AFAIK the devs haven’t confirmed it will be a thing.

Aggro radius reduction is nice and all, but sometimes you just don’t notice a mob until you’re standing on top of them. When this happens there are no great options for fleeing.


yeah they did in 196 the said its going in to the game along with aggro brew and we have seen it before on testing. its coming and it makes totaly sens with the change in the aggro system. so it will be there its juts a question when.

For now you best bet is a sling or a long range and fast grapple if the hiding in sactum isnt working


Considering I still get agro through walls…I don’t have a good way to remove normal agro whilst out wandering without these brews…except for porting out :\


Yeah, it would be nice if mobs didn’t aggro through walls. That would help some.

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A quick grapple should do the trick. I’ve often flung myself far enough with a single grapple launch to completely de-agro an entire meteor worth of enemies (not just the new spawning ones, but the ones already shooting at me).

It’s hard to get to that distance though without a good grapple…

Maybe enemies should periodically just stop for 2-3 seconds when they are following someone, so that you can get more distance, that would be nice.

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Can i give you a hint. When you build ya box, make sure there is no room to jump. The game will teleport you upwards to the next available vertical 3 blocks of air when returning from the sanctum, saving your coins.

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I was putting it to test in testing now, and indeed the cuttles are hard to get rid of. At least with little speed (I had 2 levels up there so I wasnt the fastest).

I was losing spitters aggro easily.

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3rd option. just die.- joke.

Seriously though. I ran for my life for like 10 minutes never lost them, then just got myself into a hole in ad went in like 10 blocks, and covered the hole sealed my self in, and still never lost aggro.

So I popped a plot and beacon , warped to another planet, waited an hour, and warped back. Within 5 seconds I had every creature aggro me on all sides of my 10 block side cave bunker.