Making a Boundless YouTube channel

I see I’m really far behind looking at some of the buildings, I really don’t understand how you get so much money on this game but I suppose I better get busy


There’s a machine called the chrysominter that turns items into coins. Some items make more money than others. In the past some items have sold for more than they should have so people made a couple (or more) million very easily.

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How do I get this machine

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I wouldn’t rush this game, do it step by step otherwise you will burn your self out, you can get stuff with coins, but be careful with your coins otherwise they won’t last you long

And your always invited to join Stars hollow on tana.

4 Likes, created and run by our very own @Stretchious, is an amazing amazing resource.

The chrysominter recipe can be found here:


Okay thank you, I believe I’m a ways away from that though

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Best advice ever.

Just take it as it comes, don’t be in a rush to catch up with everyone else, set your own pace and your own goals,

Money isn’t actually all that important in this game, it simply makes things more convenient.


Don’t be so hard on yourself! Also, everyone is right: This community really is the best, everyone loves to help and share the knowledge. Welcome to the family :smile: dont put pressure on yourself, we’re all here to have fun :partying_face:


You can make a fair bit of coin just by attending hunts also. Monster drops and oort sell for alot. Just need a loot stick. If dont want to fight the mobs you can even just run around reviving dead characters with a totem (free to craft) and revive Augments.


I’m not sure what path I’m going to take, I wanted to build and make a YouTube channel, that had role-playing in it kind of


Maybe start by collecting some basic resources and finding a nice spot to call home then!
Building a work shop is probably my first advice, and then a nice amount of storage space… Then just collect things like crazy! There are so many ‘occupations’ you could take up, just have a go at them all and see which you enjoy, that will help you decide where to put your skill points as you level :slight_smile:

Gathering is always good money for new players though, the beans and leaves always sell!


Sounds like good video topic, make chrysominter quest video :smiley:


I’m going to give it my best shot, thank you all


Does everyone look the same? Is there more than one character model you can unlock in some way?

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There’s the male and female version. There is also a head piece you can change. Other than that, it’s all the same.
You can acquire paints with cubits to customize your character a little more

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Are the developers going to make more models?

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We have no idea.
There used to be more models back in EA, but they were taken out of the game, I don’t know why

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Has anyone asked? Awh that’s okay I like these cute characters as beautiful as this game is

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I know it has been mentioned a lot of times, but the devs like to keep secrets and mysteries :slight_smile:

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Sometimes it’s better to be surprised than to know everything, I think that’s pretty neat