Making fat c stacks

Shortage of opals. :grinning:

1 b.u.t.t. = 25,000,000

sorry had to :joy:


Believe it or not I do exactly that lol. Once I hit a set coin level, usually 2m plus above it due to emptying coin stands infrequently, I go pick a shop and buy literally everything.

A few people on arie have been visited more than once by the magic coin fairy


So I should open a shop on arie then :sweat_smile:


Arie Mall time? :laughing:

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I think once the dust settles people will still want exo stuff, and sovereign stuff from expired sovereigns too - we shall see :blush:

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The following have high demand for mega fast brews:
Saltpeter (from gravel farming)
Adrenal glands

As many have said, mining is one of the most lucrative forms of gaining stacks

The bean market is also robust

As well as the orb market

And in the new sov. color economy, keep an eye out for people who want help farming certain colors.


Late reply here… but sell oort!! Even if a lot of the unwanted sovereigns go ka-poof!! All the new portals are a huge sink in the oort supply. Since oort is always in-demand the price may actually go up!

Maybe @ghandymarshall will give you a loan to help short the supply and drive the price up prematurely! (:joy: just kidding @ghandymarshall )

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