Making Worlds for the Game

I have no experience but will give it my best shot!


How… Does this work? Do you need to have the world builder?

I think all have world builder in steam version, i could be wrong.

Depends on which package you bought…

Custom nodes are a way of reusing a set of nodes in multiple files (or more than once in the same file). You can create them either by doing File → New and then selecting what type of node, or more conveniently when you see something you want to reuse you can right click on it, and there is an option to create a custom node from that node and it’s children.

The real power comes when you expose values from the custom node to allow adjustments to be made. In the custom node file you can right click on a slider or a checkbox and choose to expose it. You can give it a useful name, and set limits.

This allows us to make a set of useful pieces that can be simply put together and customised to make good results quickly. A good example is the Caves custom node that Luca made or the Rivers custom node that Nevir made. So instead of seeing a complex web of noise nodes you see one node, with a sensible name, and a couple of sliders to tweak. If you want to know how these things are set up you can right click on a custom node, and open the corresponding file to take a look.


Even 30 $ one should have it now but if not then it comes later for all anyway :slight_smile:

Only the collectors edition and upwards have and will have access to the world builder ^^

Nope it is in roadmap that all will have it :slight_smile:

Have you got a source for that information? As far as I’m aware, the world builder will continue to remain a higher purchase/DLC item.


Ah okay so they decided that 50+ $ only gets it :3 Last year i was reading that even 30 $ one is getting it too.

Thx, i will try it later.

It make WB crash when i right-click on a slider.

I wrote about it here :


Frankly, that was never the case.


So I made a custom node that creates some cool looking floating islands.
What do I do now? How can I upload them? I’ve read the guide but I still don’t understand it :sweat_smile:

Yeah, the guide was intentionally a bit high level; git/GitHub can make a bit overwhelming :frowning:

How familiar are you with either of those on a scale of not-at-all to use-it-daily?

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Not at all ^^

A post was split to a new topic: How to contribute to the Boundless.Worlds project

Brilliant post @nevir!
I tried to copy a link to your guide in the original post, but doing so would take the thread out of the announcements category (which I don’t have access to), so hopefully @james or @olliepurkiss will do it!


I’ve moved the post into Guides. (Potentially it should be in Modding ?)