Malls and Stuff

Then I don’t ever want to hear again that “we don’t have enough forgers” and we simply have to accept extreme prices then as that will be the result of what is happening here right now.


There are a couple of these around. also a great many complaints and etc…

Forging is poorly explained both in and out of the game. While there is lots of good writing ont he topic, this forum is … not particularly useful for cataloging or finding such information.

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Fine by me. We both know better though we will still hear it. I think there are plenty of forgers without me being one for the community. I never have an issue with finding tools to buy though if I am in a rush or too lazy atm to forge.

What a good hammer to me might be totally different what a good hammer to @Nightstar is. I have found it also depends on the task at hand.

A good mining hammer to me:

  1. Enough damage to one hit whatever it is I’m mining.
  2. Max speed
  3. AOE

On the other hand @Nightstar might like:

  1. Enough damage to one hit
  2. Max Dura
  3. AOE

I dont think the issue is economic, its more about getting people to realize the issue of aquiring all materials to forge with this broken ass rng

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The only thing I’ll say on the topic of this thread is that to me, it bothers me that I feel like i’m forced to put my shop on a sovereign planet so I can ban the scalpers from my planet.

Half of my guild members shops all get their shops of various products completely sold out and all scalped in the EXACT SAME mall. So now everyone feels forced to build on the guild sov just so we can stop the scalpers from entering…


Terrible it has to be that way, don’t you think ?

I’m always reminded of James saying “It’s Not AoE!!”

I understand that it technically isn’t. Still :man_shrugging:

But it constantly come to mind, like a haunting.


Don’t know what this is now about but I had that currently that I bought somewhere some lucent blocks cheaply that I used for my project and like next day or so I needed more, seeing the one I went to was not listed anymore and another popped up out of nowhere with sameish amounts as the other person and the price was more than double as high. Made me a little angry. It’s not like I use much lucents. Kinda first time I do. I’m on a budget as well. And I know it’s normal economy and not forbidden or so. Just a lil tiny wee bit frustrating if one day to another your dealer’s stuff lands somewhere else at higher prices…


To me this is worse with forged tools.

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Oh how much I would give for forged tools to be unable to go on shop stands unless the person who forged (or a character on their account) owns the plot.

Then I still could buy all from you and make personal trades with others still selling your items.

It does not help.

It makes the practice a lot harder and troublesome, which is the point. Making it harder.


Just stop forging for public, that way you know for sure this won’t happen.
Make personal deals only and sell to people who you like/trust.

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Pretty sure a seller only scalps themselves. Being mad about that & acting like 2 ppl who decide to only do trades can take away from the entire community of forgers…

Wax wings like Icarus.

So, this has been a thing for a while, to me this goes like this:

  1. As a forger, and reselling being a feature in game it does’n make sense for you to go over like: “you got my stuff for sale, even tho it’s a feature that the devs included I don’t want you to sell them cause it’s wrong” (bruh seriously).
    For the most part people playing is chill, this is a chill game really, so, you can talk to people, ask them politely not to sell it and even if they don’t agree with you can reach an understanding with them. There’s always gonna be those cases you can’t, but keep in mind, accusing someone of wrong doing might not be the best start towards an agreement.

  2. If you want your efforts to reach certain audience or to be more evenly distributed amongst buyers you can do a few things in that direction, this are some of the things I’ve done with my forged stuff:

A) Donate a % of sales to the guild.
B) Offer them to people I didn’t previously know that held events as prizes.
C) Donate a portion of the goods for a guild exclusive shop.
D) Offer discounts to people that contributed to the game making amazing builds so they didn’t spent so much time making money.
E) Exploring initial planets, finding new players and give them some top tools for free, so that learning curve doesn’t get grindy and boring.
F) filling request baskets of forgers whom I bought big amounts of forged stuff, even if I didn’t saw the % in it (NO ONE really needs that much vital essence @georgegroeg, you just got a problem bro).
G) And of course, releasing product in waves, in different days of the week, so buyers could get their stuff the days they played.

  1. If you really want forged stuff not to be able to be resold, then I would suggest making a sugestion to the devs in the hopes they’ll listen.

I agree with you @SWProzee1 and also with @glr :joy: I guess it’s what attitude you put your mind into. Like I’m having real-life business too. I CAN gather everything myself and I did so in the past. The question is here if I want to spend my time harvesting everything myself. And for many people the answer would be no. One wants to invest the time as effective as possible of course. But things come always with a price. Either it is ingame coins, or your time.

Definitely. And that’s the sad truth.

Interesting statement :thinking:

Agree and disagree. I just think of the times I tried to make a personal deal with econodog. We are at different time zones and some people also still work which makes it extra hard. So to do only handtrades will be difficult… I guess that’s why shopstands got even invented. Sometimes it takes literally weeks to meet a person in boundless because it doesn’t work out repeatedly. If you have a favorite that you want to stay loyal towards its problematic… only solution is then search for a forger that is in the same timezone.

I think I’m done writing. Lol

Huh? Vital essence? I don’t understand.:man_shrugging: I’m after the Iron. We’re a bit anemic in Reapers if you didn’t know. :rofl:

As for the topic of reselling. It doesn’t bother me. But my tools aren’t at a low price point where it would make sense to resell.

I have had other peoples forged gear I sold that I got from a friends reclaim.
I 100% sold what I could. And resold my own gear that was in there too. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
And to be honest most of it was inferior product. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::rofl::rofl::rofl::v:


This was my thing back then lmao :joy:

So basically what is said or others opinion it’s a no no to sell forged tools others forged….

I understand im probably way of… but see it from this point…

Some one like me for example i would resell forged tools i miss bought. Especially when they where miss labeled and i missed it.

(Like 2 stacks of liquid breakers single block placed in a 3x3 labeled stand as an example)

I spend most of my time building (currently) and managing (portals/shops previously and in the future) in my build(s). Does this mean im rich? No as most of the coin gain is calculated and invested back in to the build(s).

Not that i would go out of my way to buy and sell mats/tools i gain from other shops on purpose (im on a mission :wink:)
But you bet ya i would resell something like forged tools i miss bought on the price it would cost me to make it in a heartbeat.
And that is usually more expensive that when i bought it.
Again im not talking about buying out a forged tool stand with the intention to resell it as that is usually to expensive for me but if i need mats that i run out of and find a cheap deal (cheaper then my stands) you bet ya ill buy it out (or try to) and fill mine with the leftovers when i don’t need it anymore.

Again im talking about a miss bought and leftover situation. Im mostly broke as my coin usually is invested back in to my build(s).

But all i can think of is when the crappy hammers where C15.000,00 (below/cross) and the betters where easily double that… had to save up then to.
Sooo yeah maybe bump up the price :wink:

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I agree who cares! I know when powerman left he gave me thousands of forged rift gear and it’s way more than I’ll ever need so I opened a lil shop to sell powerman surplus. If someone wants to resale it or my stuff go for it it’s like real life if you can make lil extra after you buy my stuff go for it!