Malls and Stuff

about forged tools prices

for me - best shovel/axes/hammers:
1 hit at given tier
max speed
no quirks
-crit defect available

im not buying anything with quirks and -damage, unles they are cheap -damage and can be used for lower tier, like cheap -damage t4 tools i can use for T1-3
im running across malls, shops,
checking BUTT looking for particular gem tools with 3-12k prices so im sure theyre forged and i can check them, if they are forged the way i love - ill buy. yes, i have my fav forgers im checking if i need to buy a bulk

its simple, ill buy if for me its affordable price, im not going to complain its overpriced - im going to make money to buy what i want

the prices im willing to pay?
3-5k for T1-3 titanium tools, even more for additional +dura


@SeleneRati Helped me out a couple years back, so I buy most of my forged items from her shops. I’ll not bat an eye spending 30-50k at her shop.


If it is easy to find, I’ll buy it. As a pure consumer of forged goods, I don’t really care who makes it as long as they have plenty available when I need it. I also tend to prefer durability over speed, so there isn’t always a huge amount of those around. Though I’m getting to the point that it is probably worth it just to put in a bulk order to some of the community forgers or become an iron miner for good ol’ @georgegroeg to cover my weekly mining itch. :wink:



I spent some time shopping for hammers this week. Lots of options for speed around, not so much durability.

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I’m just doing my sporadic check of the forums and feel this may be a bit out of place but, I forge and sell at Sydney - bingbongtreehouse and at the core mall - bingbongshop, I don’t think my prices are too spicy. 7k a tool

If durability is something that is sought after I can replace speed with dura easily. I did a test run and was able to get max dura with +damage aoe.
Im here if anyone needs help or something specific with gear :slight_smile:


This is also how I do it when I dont want to forge something. Just starting at 2k as everything cheaper is usually unforged. For higher tier tools starting higher. That way resellers have no chance for a sale with me.

When more people do it that way or know the usual prices then resellers get a harder time. Maybe some education of new players is needed to save them money. For example when telling them about forged tools also mention the usual price.

I am selling forged T2 and T5 tools myself and so far I did not see huge sell outs that indicate reselling. Trying to price my tools at average market prices.
Even when it would happen it is not a reason for me to stop forging. When it happens and I have time it could lead into a: “Lets see how long you can buy me out situation” :smiley:

This. I mentioned it to one of my forgers that he should raise his price to minimum 2k back then. But some people don’t listen. There are things cheaper than 2k and still being forged.

Lol. It’s definitely a good way of doing it. My never ending need for iron is strong. Lol. And I do carry durability hammers. Should have 6 or 7 stacks still there but I have noticed people buying durability hammers more lately. Maybe I’ll hit the forge this morning with my coffee and smash out a few stacks if the forge will let me of course. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I usually buy from you as per usual but I’ve been building and organizing about 200 chests full of raw materials into my color storage, so I’ve been slacking. I may come buy some today usually I want speed hammers though.

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Well I should have lots of speed hammers :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::+1:

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the first time I saw tools displayed with AoE on shop stand signs I immediately wondered what Age of Empires had to do with tools in Boundless.


almost felt of chair from laughing :smiley: i have decades of gameplaying on my neck but still AoE remind me Age of Empires not Area of Effect :smiley: hahahahahha


I forged 850 T6 Hammers and put them into Shopstands for 8k each . All are max Speed with brew .

They are Not the cheapest but thats the price i want to have and already sold over 100 Hammer.

And even i would Not sell one of them i Had them for myself.

I want to say is that you should Take the price you want If its good quality .


This was pretty much my point. Make the hammers you want to make and sell them at a price you feel is worth your time and effort. Whatever happens to them after that shouldn’t matter.


Worst case, is to unlist the shop-stand if you don’t want randoms to come buy out your shopstand of whatever it is. You can do it via the beacon it sits on, or the shopstand itself.

Small reminder, You cannot put a listed Shop-stand behind a locked door, or made inaccessible. This is against the rules and the beacon can be reported if found to be doing so.

I had a lot of folks report a “Guild only” shop which I was selling hopper cores for 500c [this was years ago] which was a nice discount when the going price was 750c, I had the normal price below, and I had GUild Only prices for 500 behind a locked door. People trecked the planet to find it was behind a locked door they couldn’t bump warp into. – I had the devs come to the beacon and let me know it was against the rules.

So-- Just unlist the tools and utilize advertising/sales via discord/forums.


What rule does this break? Just curious because there are display only stuff all over boundless they is made inaccessible but for looks or decorations only?

locking priced item is taken as an attempt of trying to force price change, to lower or higher depend of amount of locked items that is constantly showed at that price ar knowledge tab and which price is visible higher or lower than all other and it sitting at that price for weeks and shopstand is not accessible at any way

for decoration purpose you can put 1 item at stand for 9 999 999, its clearly show price

Best is always to unlist it just like @noniethepup said. Would always do that in such cases also if the price is 999999.

But I guess reasoning could also be to lure people as footfall trap kind of thing. Not only the market price aspect

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The displaying by setting it at 9999999 or whatever the max is-- so it’s “unbuyable” is automatically not shown because the devs assumed if you spend that much on 1-stick something is wrong.

But yeah. Guilds who have “guild -only” pricing for example, if it’s not accessable by everyone and it shows to everyone-- that is against the rules.

For example – When I listed 2 shop stands, One for 500 coin for a hopper core, which was behind a locked door and made so you couldn’t bump warp inside, versus the one fully accessable being 750 – Which would you run to? The 500 coin? or the 750?

You arrive at the 500 coin one, only to find you can’t get it. Thus-- I have not only wasted your time, but also made you mad because I have done false advertising.

So you should unlist the 500coin one but keep the 750 one available.

NOW, that doesn’t mean guilds cannot HAVE guild only prices, the shop stands cannot or should not be listed on Butt, or in the knowledge tab. Just have there be a sign say “Want prices cheaper, become a guild member and be with us for a week doing XYZ to gain access to lower unlisted prices”

or similar.


Footfall used to be a much higher focus, and this was used to lure/bait people across builds and into areas with no intent to sell the items.

It’s seen as not just trolling/harassing other players into frustration and wasted time, but an attempt to also manipulate coins out of the game.

Then there are other shenanigans such as:

Yes shop stands in the square under a higher priced one leads you directly to the shop stand with the wrong price.