Personally I do not like it. It still lets one player decide for another if they get to stay or not and it is totally arbitrary as to why they can do it. So lets say you let a player have a market stall and then a friend of yours joins the game, you can kick the other player out and they have no recourse. I think this can create a lot of dissatisfaction for players. You still have the player that was kicked out loosing all the effort they went into running a store as well as everything they built into the stall.
I understand the frustration in having someone not do what they said they would and how this can impact other players in the game. But in the end it is a game and an MMO we are not going to like everything other players do.
So we want to make players not only refuel their own beacons, but also if they are part of a group build they have to make sure they actually log in every so often or they loose their stuff? And this does nothing to make sure that a shop is actually stocked. All it means is they visit. How is an empty shop any better for a mall than one where an owner never visits? I am not sure there is really any difference. Or are you now going to have to introduce a mechanic that says they have to keep items on stands. I guess I see this as a cycle that never ends. The mall owners are never going to be happy when an individual does not do what they said they would.
Of course it can be abused. You and both know that players in this game have worked every angle to āget aheadā and even if the mall runner does develop a bad rep, how can you communicate that? It is against the CoC to name and shame and even if they could how does that help the player that lost everything? It does not, so another player quits the game because they were taken advantage of due to a mechanic that is really not needed in the game.
Ok so because one person (@the-moebius) can be trusted, we should trust every other player in the game? I do not think that is really a good argument to make. We both know from personal experience that players will lie and not do what they said. I guess it still comes down to why are we shifting the trust from the mall owner to the player that wants to have a stall in the mall? .