Marriage in oort!

In some mmos, you can propose another person and marry him.
I think it would be nice to have that kind of feature in Oort! it’s a fun little feature that will be very easy to implement…
I think it can contribute to the social aspect of the game, as well as the role-playing aspect of it.

Also, in case the characters won’t be genderless, please allow gay marriage too, i want the world of oort to be liberal ~

Here are some ideas that appeared in the thread and i think are really cool:

“How’s about an “auto beacon share”? … cuz my home = my bride’s/husband’s home ;D”

“would you get a sort of shared lastname?”

"maybe your characters will both have rings on their ring finger (if they have fingers) or since it’s a new world maybe they’d wear something on their ears/horns/tail. "


Yeah but why? i like the idea, but what would the use for it be? some games do perks of sorts while others unlock special features. i dunno.

allow anybody to marry, so NOBODY start the puny political debate about homosexuality and then lets focus on the system itself.

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Well its just for fun. that’s what games are for after all. i dont think everything in the game HAS to give you an adventage over others…

But if you must have it, i guess getting marriage costumes would be logical :blush:


but how would it work? how would anybody know? if nobody knows wouldnt it be better to just RP it? would you really need a system for it?

You choose to propose another person.
If he agrees, congratulations! a huge sparkling firework will get fired up to the sky and you both are officially married ~ you are going to get closer to each other and do alot of things together in game as a married couple!

If he disargees, welp. good luck next time…

Cmon, there is nothing wrong with having little fun features that are just there for the social aspect of the game.


im not saying its wrong, im trying to make you think of benefits for doing so. would you get a sort of shared lastname or would it just look like nothing ever happened? and if there would be no other reason than doing so other than ‘‘because’’ then why do it? what if people want to do a multiple person marriage?

I think this is a cute idea, a shared last name would be interesting, maybe your characters will both have rings on their ring finger (if they have fingers) or since it’s a new world maybe they’d wear something on their ears/horns/tail. A wedding antler ring, a wedding mane feather, etc…
Just thoughts.
Personally I think it’d be cute.

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A shared last-name is a nice idea actually ~

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How’s about an “auto beacon share”? … cuz my home = my bride’s/husband’s home ;D


That’d be cool, maybe the beacon space would expand a little bit?

Meh…cool idea, don’t think it matters for Oort.

Marriage in game played by 18-35 year olds, cool!

Marriage in a game played by 4-60 year olds, not so much.



I added some ideas that appeared in the thread and i liked to the first post!

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Alot of mmos have marriage, because its a fun little thing that people like and contributes to the social aspect of the game.
The fact that the game is for all ages is not relevant at all

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In my worst possible Keanu Reeves voice - “But why?”

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Right? I still don’t see much of a point to this. even if it is “easily” implemented, I still wouldn’t want the devs to waste a few days on this when they could be making monsters or maybe character models…


This is a social game. i think this is a great social feature that can be added, and it wont take a long time to implement it aniway.

The point of it is that it’s a fun feature. games are made to be fun. not everything in the game has to make you stronger in some way.

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marriages were arranged for power and wealth, perhaps two empires showing good faith?

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I like this idea! I think being able to combine beacon space would be a great perk. Maybe married pairs could get a small bonus to “experience”. I use that term lightly because we still don’t quite know how character progression will work.

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Just gonna mention the pedophiles out there who would jump at this… I suggest it not be any actual system in game… I mean rp wise, by all means, do whatever… I don’t care… But an actual system… Nah.

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Oh come on now, that’s just being paranoid
Even Maplestory has a marriage system, and that is truly a game that was designed for kids. i dont see any problem with it

(If you are worried about the young ones, well, i think the game having a building aspect is much much more problematic than a marriage system as people can build “private organs”, ya know.)